I'm trying to create a table of VPN connection statistics where the easiest way to see the data is to look at the time the VPN tunnel is closed (_time) and the duration field from our ASA.
2016-06-08T13:31:27-04:00 firewall01 : %ASA-4-113019: Group = user_group, Username = jmaple, IP =, Session disconnected. Session Type: SSL, Duration: 7h:12m:31s, Bytes xmt: 418441224, Bytes rcv: 86574259, Reason: User Requested
What I want to do it extract the duration and subtract it from _time to produce a "Start Time" for when the connection started without having to look for a corresponding start event. The calculation would be done by calculating the difference at the time of the search. I'm still trying to get familiar with the ways of producing this kind of thing but everything I've tried so far hasn't worked.
To get the start time, you will first have to convert Duration & the _time fields to seconds. Then do the subtract. Here's one way to do that
| rex "Duration: (?<h>\d+)h:(?<m>\d+)m:(?<s>\d+)s," | fillnull value=0 h m s | eval duration=h*(60*60)+m*60+s | eval end=_time | eval start=end-duration | eval start=strftime(start, "%x %X")
To get the start time, you will first have to convert Duration & the _time fields to seconds. Then do the subtract. Here's one way to do that
| rex "Duration: (?<h>\d+)h:(?<m>\d+)m:(?<s>\d+)s," | fillnull value=0 h m s | eval duration=h*(60*60)+m*60+s | eval end=_time | eval start=end-duration | eval start=strftime(start, "%x %X")
That works awesome. Now would I be able to convert duration back to its original string without breaking the calculation so it can be inserted into the table as it is in the ASA log?
You can string it back together like this
.... | eval Duration=h."h:".m."m:".s."s"
Perfect. Thanks.