I have multiple panels that need to run timecharts like these:
I want to optimize my dashboard for performance by using a base search, so I tried this:
<search id="base>
<query> something | table _time,A,B</query>
<search base="base">
<query>search A="1"|timechart count by B</query>
<search base="base">
<query>search A="2"|timechart count by B</query>
<search base="base">
<query>search A="3"|timechart count by B</query>
It works great on short times (24h) but with wider ranges (30 days) I lose events because of the base search limit (probably the default, 500,000).
Is there a way I can use base search for this?
I'm using Splunk Enterprise version 8.1.3.
I tried to create a saved search (time range: -1y - now) and use it like this:
<search id="base ref="saved_search">
but it doesn't seem to solve the events limit issue when i use past 30 days.
Also I would expect the chart to load immediately (since the base search is already saved), but it takes time to load.