I have custom log file in which we all logging various activities in a transaction context (correlation ID). In this particular case, we have a Rest Search to get price detail. Service accept 1 or more (can go to several thousand) SKUs and return price either from cache, or DB. log is generated for each SKU.
I have grouped all events using transaction command using the CorrelationId field. How do I count the number of cache hit or miss perc all.
Tried below, but this did not give me the answer:
index=pii sourcetype=pii:runway:service-log host=price-PriceService-prod* | transaction CorrelationId maxspan=15s | stats count(eval(SkuPriceCache="Hit")), count(eval(SkuPriceCache="Miss")) by CorrelationId
I can see eventocunt over 1000, but cachehit or miss is never more than 10 in this case.
How about this?
index=pii sourcetype=pii:runway:service-log host=price-PriceService-prod*
| eval hit=if(SkuPriceCache="Hit",1,hit)
| eval miss=if(SkuPriceCache="Miss",1,miss)
| transaction CorrelationId maxspan=15s
| stats count(hit) count(miss) by CorrelationId
Of maybe like this:
index=pii sourcetype=pii:runway:service-log host=price-PriceService-prod*
| transaction CorrelationId maxspan=15s
| eval hit=if(match(_raw,".*Hit.*"),1,hit)
| eval miss=if(match(_raw",".*Miss.*"),1,miss)
| stats count(hit) count(miss) by CorrelationId
Try this
index=pii sourcetype=pii:runway:service-log host=price-PriceService-prod* | chart count over SkuPriceCache by CorrelationId
index=pii sourcetype=pii:runway:service-log host=price-PriceService-prod* | chart dc(CorrelationId) as dc over SkuPriceCache by CorrelationId | fields - dc
How about this?
index=pii sourcetype=pii:runway:service-log host=price-PriceService-prod*
| eval hit=if(SkuPriceCache="Hit",1,hit)
| eval miss=if(SkuPriceCache="Miss",1,miss)
| transaction CorrelationId maxspan=15s
| stats count(hit) count(miss) by CorrelationId
Of maybe like this:
index=pii sourcetype=pii:runway:service-log host=price-PriceService-prod*
| transaction CorrelationId maxspan=15s
| eval hit=if(match(_raw,".*Hit.*"),1,hit)
| eval miss=if(match(_raw",".*Miss.*"),1,miss)
| stats count(hit) count(miss) by CorrelationId
I used transaction CorrelationID
Could you please provide a sample event or two, and/or a sample of the output of the search you already have?