I am trying to pull min and max time for each user:
index="iptv_rdkb" [|inputlookup usersfile.csv]
| fields _time Source device.make model userId
| stats count by Source make model userId _time
| eventstats max(_time) AS max min(_time) AS min
| eval max=strftime(max, "%Y/%m/%d %T.%3Q")
| eval min=strftime(min, "%Y/%m/%d %T.%3Q")
| stats earliest(min) as min earliest(max) as max first(make) as make first(model) as model first(userId) as user by userId
Source min max make model userid
b661834 2020-04-10 2020/04/10 TECHN xyz 1
b654623 2020-04-10 2020/04/10 TECHN xyz 2
b637895 2020-04-10 2020/04/10 TECHN xyz 3
This search gives me the same time for each record. For example, if minimum time is 2020-04-10 in any of the records, it will give this date/time in every record instead of giving min-max of that specific user.
I need min and max for each specific user.
Please help.
@t874560 Use this search
index="iptv_rdkb" [|inputlookup usersfile.csv]
| fields _time Source device.make model userId
| stats count by Source make model userId _time
| eventstats max(_time) AS max min(_time) AS min by userId
| eval max=strftime(max, "%Y/%m/%d %T.%3Q")
| eval min=strftime(min, "%Y/%m/%d %T.%3Q")
| stats earliest(min) as min earliest(max) as max first(make) as make first(model) as model first(userId) as user by userId
can use by