Hi, I am trying to create a table witch show number of fields in json object:
Event example:
"project": "my_project_name",
"title":"Uses insecure CSPRNG (openssl_random_pseudo_bytes())",
"title":"CVE-2019-10913: Reject invalid HTTP method overrides",
"title":"Possible DOS attack with long user-submitted passwords (correct fix for CVE-2013-5958)",
"title":"CVE-2018-11385: Session Fixation Issue for Guard Authentication",
"title":"CVE-2018-11386: Denial of service when using PDOSessionHandler",
"title":"CVE-2018-11406: CSRF Token Fixation",
"title":"CVE-2018-14773: Remove support for legacy and risky HTTP headers",
"title":"Sandbox Information Disclosure",
"title":"URL Rewrite vulnerability",
Expected result:
| timestamp | vulnerable_dependencies |
| timestamp_1 | 6 |
For example, there are 5 different projects scanned every day. Scan results are sent to splunk. I want to get a table, which shows the date of last scan and number of vulnerabilities in last scan for each project.
I guess it can be something like this:
source="http:vulns_scan" | stats last(_time), "query which give me vulnerabilities number" by project
I tried to use this example: https://answers.splunk.com/answers/735442/how-do-i-count-fields-inside-a-json-array.html, but probably it works for arrays only. Could someone advise the search query, please?
you are basically counting the cve , if a cve id exists you consider it to be a vulnerability.
try this
| rex field=_raw "\"+cve\"+\:+\"(?<cve>.*?)\"" max_match=0
| mvexpand cve
| where len(cve)!=0
| stats count(cve) by _time,source
As far as splitting by project goes you will have to determine what that field is..it has to be something unique to the 5 projects you mention - maybe source, sourcetype or something else
Thanks for your help, it is useful. I changed rex expression and have some results.
The result table included time and cve number for all scans for each project. However, I need only the last result for each project.
My data has uniqe field "project", which I can use to group results instead source.
Your method to count cve looks interesting, however to count keys in json['vulnerabilities'] object more universal if it is possible at all.
hi @a_r1em
It is possible of course but then you would not get a count of 6 as in your example. My suggestion is based on getting 6 vulnerabilities as in your expected output.
We can write 5-6 regex(extract the url,version , title and so on..) or 1 single regex and fetch everything between say
"title":"Uses insecure CSPRNG (openssl_random_pseudo_bytes())",
this will give m 9 occurrences. it really depends on your use case
hi @a_r1em
Any updates?
didnt understand your expected output and also what you get when you apply an spath..can you clarify a bit more?
where are you picking the timestamp from? if you pick _time and you are ingesting this api say once every hour, you will get ALL vulnerabilities at the same timestamp...there would be a reported/created field in this api against each vulnerability, you further want to group them by day or something like that? please clarify
For example, there are 5 different projects scanned every day. Scan results are sent to splunk. I want to get a table, which shows the date of last scan and number of vulnerabilities in last scan for each project.
I guess it can be something like this:
source="http:vulns_scan" | stats last(_time), "query which give me vulnerabilities number" by project