I want to correlate across two lists and display the results.
Log data:
06/10/2023 05:04:12 ACMIUY-6500-2345-20230610050412.pdf
06/10/2023 05:05:12 ACMIUY-6500-2345-20230610050412-success.csv
06/10/2023 07:14:22 DCCOUB-86895-20230610071422.pdf
Note: The data is in the same index and I don't want to use join
mysearch | stats list(file_sent) list(file_received) list(sent_time) list(received_time)
Sent Time | File_Sent | Received Time | File_Received | Elapsed_time |
06/10/2023 05:04:12 | ACMIUY-6500-2345-20230610050412.pdf | 06/10/2023 05:05:12 | ACMIUY-6500-2345-20230610050412-success.csv | 00:01:00 |
06/10/2023 07:14:22 | DCCOUB-86895-20230610071422.pdf | Pending | Pending | - |
| rex "(?<fullfilename>\S+)$"
| rex field=fullfilename "(?<filename>\S+)(?<event>\.pdf|\-success\.csv)$"
| eval sentTime=if(event=".pdf",_time,null())
| eval receivedTime=if(event=".pdf",null(),_time)
| eval fileSent=if(event=".pdf",fullfilename,null())
| eval fileReceived=if(event=".pdf",null(),fullfilename)
| stats values(sentTime) as sentTime values(fileSent) as fileSent values(receivedTime) as receivedTime values(fileReceived) as fileReceived by filename
| eval elapseTime=tostring(receivedTime-sentTime,"duration")
I also see for some file received the file name is:
How to modify so that the filename is extracted as PD0018MM-220385-20230609211505
| rex field=fullfilename "(?<filename>\S+)(?<event>\.pdf|\-success\.csv)$"
Also how display "Pending" if no corresponding file_received for the file_sent?
| rex field=fullfilename "(?<filename>[^\.\s]+)(?<event>\.pdf|\-success\.csv)$"
You could also add
| fillnull value="Pending" receivedTime fileReceived
| rex "(?<fullfilename>\S+)$"
| rex field=fullfilename "(?<filename>\S+)(?<event>\.pdf|\-success\.csv)$"
| eval sentTime=if(event=".pdf",_time,null())
| eval receivedTime=if(event=".pdf",null(),_time)
| eval fileSent=if(event=".pdf",fullfilename,null())
| eval fileReceived=if(event=".pdf",null(),fullfilename)
| stats values(sentTime) as sentTime values(fileSent) as fileSent values(receivedTime) as receivedTime values(fileReceived) as fileReceived by filename
| eval elapseTime=tostring(receivedTime-sentTime,"duration")