How can i convert timestamp to date for below timestamp to just date 2022-10-04.
timestamp: 2022-10-04 19:52:00.151 -0500
Requirement is to visualize values in last 7 days based on date
Hi @monicateja,
do you want to display data in a timechart command or what else (table, stats)?
if in timechart command, you have to insert in the timechart the option "span=1d"
If in table or in stats command, you have to use the bin command.
| bin span=1d _time
Need both in table & also in stats but need to filter by just date not by entire timestamp
Hi @monicateja,
with the bin command (for more infos see at you give to each event a timestamp compressed to the 00:00:00.
so you can group them.
To display a timestamp without time in the format you like, you can use eval strftime
| timestamp=strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d")