Hi, I am very new to splunk and need help for the below situation. I am having two columns as below
Row Column 1 Column2
I think something like this should work. Let's start by creating some sample data.
| makeresults count=5
| eval column1 = split("Value:dataclass,Value:url,Value:application-name,Value:daily-backup", ",")
| eval column2 = split("Internal,http://www.google.com/,ABC,Y", ",")
| fields - _time
This next section is what does the magic.
| streamstats count as row ``` assign row numbers for later```
| eval columns = mvzip(column1, column2) ```combine the two cols into one```
| mvexpand columns ```create events for each item in the mv field called columns```
| eval field = replace(mvindex(split(columns, ","), 0), "Value:", "") ```split the columns field into field```
| eval value = mvindex(split(columns, ","), 1)```split the columns field into value```
| xyseries row field value ```pivot the table```
| fields - row column1 column2 ```clean up extranious columns```
Put together it looks like this.
| makeresults count=5
| eval column1 = split("Value:dataclass,Value:url,Value:application-name,Value:daily-backup", ",")
| eval column2 = split("Internal,http://www.google.com/,ABC,Y", ",")
| fields - _time
```The stuff above is just to create some sample data ... the stuff below should get you what you want```
| streamstats count as row
| eval columns = mvzip(column1, column2)
| mvexpand columns
| eval field = replace(mvindex(split(columns, ","), 0), "Value:", "")
| eval value = mvindex(split(columns, ","), 1)
| xyseries row field value
| fields - row column1 column2
Does this meet your requirements?
Does this work for what you are asking?
If Column 1 and Column 2 are multivalue fields then you can try the below search.
| eval Dataclass=mvindex(Column_2,0),URL=mvindex(Column_2,1),"Application-Name"=mvindex(Column_2,2),"Daily-Backup"=mvindex(Column_2,3)
| table Column_1 Column_2 Dataclass URL "Application-Name" "Daily-Backup"
My Sample Search :
| makeresults
| eval Column_1="Value:dataclass|Value:url|Value:application-name|Value:daily-backup", Column_2="Internal|http://****.com/****|ABC|Y", Column_1=split(Column_1,"|"), Column_2=split(Column_2,"|")
| rename comment as "upto this is sample data"
| eval Dataclass=mvindex(Column_2,0),URL=mvindex(Column_2,1),"Application-Name"=mvindex(Column_2,2),"Daily-Backup"=mvindex(Column_2,3)
| table Column_1 Column_2 Dataclass URL "Application-Name" "Daily-Backup"
I hope this will help you.
If you have events with another pattern then share _raw with us.
If any of my replies help you to solve the problem Or gain knowledge, an upvote would be appreciated.
Hi @kamlesh_vaghela ,
Appreciate your quick response.
There are several similar rows in column1 and column 2. So I need something which can populate the value dynamically. When I am using your syntax, it is giving me result like below. So no value coming in those 4 columns.
Row Column 1 Column2 Dataclass URL Application-Name Daily-Backup