I have two different type log files using in Splunk and I do not have any timestamp issue with the first one (date/month/year hout:minute:second). But the other log file timestamp structure is like below which I have an issue to extract timestamp from the line.
Here it is:
DAY:16;MONTH:3;YEAR:2014;HOUR:7;MINUTE:34;SECOND:18;MILLISECOND:38;good:11111;bad:111;...... etc.....
I have already had proper working prop.conf file with the first log file type. Do I need to change or add any additonal time prefix in to prop conf?
In preview mode, I tried various different prefix structure without success.
TIME_PREFIX =DAY:\d{2};MONTH:\d{2};YEAR:\d{4};HOUR:\d{2};MINUTE:\d{2};SECOND:\d{2};MILLISECOND:\d{2};
Could you please help to figure this out?
I was able to get most of the way there with the following setting in props.conf:
I got 38 hundredths of a second instead of 38 thousandths with this config, so you might have to tweak the millisecond bit.
NOTE: You would place this within your props.conf in a stanza for your sourcetype, e.g. [your_type].
I was able to get most of the way there with the following setting in props.conf:
I got 38 hundredths of a second instead of 38 thousandths with this config, so you might have to tweak the millisecond bit.
NOTE: You would place this within your props.conf in a stanza for your sourcetype, e.g. [your_type].
Great!. It means I should add into props.conf with different sourcetype.
Thanks for your help.