Here is my situation. I have written a search to get a list of values per user and I did an average of the values as average. Now I wanted to compare the average I received with the list of values where I got the average and display which are more than the average.
Test Data Sample:
user Marks Average(marks)
1 1 3
Now I want to display in another column where marks>average(marks) for each user. In this example, user1 has 4 and 5 to be displayed in my search.
Try like this
your current search giving you multivalued field 'marks' and single valued fields 'user' and 'average'
| mvexpand marks | eval above_average=if(marks>average,marks,null()) | stats list(marks) as marks list(above_average) as above_average values(avg) as avg by user
Try like this
your current search giving you multivalued field 'marks' and single valued fields 'user' and 'average'
| mvexpand marks | eval above_average=if(marks>average,marks,null()) | stats list(marks) as marks list(above_average) as above_average values(avg) as avg by user
Thanks that query worked for me.
could you do something like. if it isn't a multivalued field, you can excluve the mvexpand.
...|stats ....avg(marks) as averageMarks by.....|mvexpand user|eval GreaterThanAverage=if(marks>averageMarks,"True",null())
And to add it is a multivalued filed
user field value is 1 and corresponding values of marks filed are 1,2,3,4,5
sorry, you should use the mvexpand command on the multivalued field. i updated the syntax. can you show me the syntax you're trying?
index=mysource earliest =-15m|rex field=_raw "(?msi)(?{.+}$)" | spath input=json_field | rename s.Path as sPath,s.pElapsedTime as ElapsedTime|eval ElapsedTimeinSecs=(ElapsedTime/1000)|where isnotnull(ElapsedTimeinSecs)| stats list(ElapsedTimeinSecs) as ElapsTime, avg(ElapsedTimeinSecs) as AVGResponse by sPath|mvexpand ElapsedTimeinSecs|eval GreaterThankAvg=if(ElapsTime>AVGResponse,ElapsTime,null())
that is the query i am using. My data is coming from a json and i did extract my fields out of json and did that rex and stuff and then extracted the fields i needed for my calculations
index=mysource earliest =-15m|rex field=_raw "(?msi)(?{.+}$)" | spath input=json_field | rename s.Path as sPath,s.pElapsedTime as ElapsedTime|eval ElapsedTimeinSecs=(ElapsedTime/1000)|where isnotnull(ElapsedTimeinSecs)| stats list(ElapsedTimeinSecs) as ElapsTime, avg(ElapsedTimeinSecs) as AVGResponse by sPath|mvexpand ElapsTime|eval GreaterThankAvg=if(ElapsTime>AVGResponse,ElapsTime,null())
try that. you mvexpaned a field you renamed as ElapsTime.
I tried the same query but still it does not give the greater values. I tried the other option suggested by other splunk user and adding the below after what you gave.
|stats list(ElapsTime) as ElapsTime, list(above_average) as above_average values(AVGResponse) as AVGResponse by sPath
Thank you for your help
I tried the same way but the response i get is always it gives me null() even though there are value which are greater like 4,5