I've got data so:
"[clientip] [host] - [time] [method] [uri_path] [status] [useragent]" ..
and do the following search:
index=web uri_path="/somepath" status="200" OR status="400"
| rex field=useragent "^(?<app_name>[^/]+)/(?<app_version>[^;]+)?\((?<app_platform>[^;]+); *"
| eval app=app_platform+" "+app_name+" "+app_version
I've split up the useragent just fine and verified the output. I want to now compare status by "app".
So I've added the following:
| stats count by app, status
Which gives me:
app | status | count |
android app 1.0 | 200 | 5000 |
ios app 2.0 | 400 | 3 |
android app 1.1 | 200 | 500 |
android app 1.0 | 400 | 12 |
ios app 2.0 | 200 | 3000 |
How can I compare, for a given "app" (combo of platform, name, version) the rate of success where success is when the response = 200 and failure if 400. I understand that I need to take success and divide by success + failure count.. But how do I combine this data?
Also note that I need to consider that some apps may not have any 400 errors.
Hi @mwolfe ,
don't use sum but count:
index=web uri_path="/somepath" status="200" OR status="400"
| rex field=useragent "^(?<app_name>[^/]+)/(?<app_version>[^;]+)?\((?<app_platform>[^;]+); *"
| eval app=app_platform+" "+app_name+" "+app_version
| eval success=if(status=200,1,0)
| eval failure=if(status=400,1,0)
| stats
count(failure) AS fail_count
count(success) AS success_count
BY app
| eval success_rate=round((success_count / (success_count + fail_count))*100,1)
| table app success_rate
otherwise, you could insert the eval in the stats:
index=web uri_path="/somepath" status="200" OR status="400"
| rex field=useragent "^(?<app_name>[^/]+)/(?<app_version>[^;]+)?\((?<app_platform>[^;]+); *"
| eval app=app_platform+" "+app_name+" "+app_version
| stats
count(eval(status=400)) AS fail_count
count(eval(status=200)) AS success_count
BY app
| eval success_rate=round((success_count / (success_count + fail_count))*100,1)
| table app success_rate
I think I got it
| eval success=if(status=200,1,0)
| eval failure=if(status=400,1,0)
| stats sum(failure) as fail_sum, sum(success) as success_sum by app
| eval success_rate=round((success_sum / (success_sum + fail_sum))*100,1)
| table app, success_rate
You can also check out two nice commands - xyseries and untable which can be used to (de)tabularize such data series.
Hi @mwolfe ,
don't use sum but count:
index=web uri_path="/somepath" status="200" OR status="400"
| rex field=useragent "^(?<app_name>[^/]+)/(?<app_version>[^;]+)?\((?<app_platform>[^;]+); *"
| eval app=app_platform+" "+app_name+" "+app_version
| eval success=if(status=200,1,0)
| eval failure=if(status=400,1,0)
| stats
count(failure) AS fail_count
count(success) AS success_count
BY app
| eval success_rate=round((success_count / (success_count + fail_count))*100,1)
| table app success_rate
otherwise, you could insert the eval in the stats:
index=web uri_path="/somepath" status="200" OR status="400"
| rex field=useragent "^(?<app_name>[^/]+)/(?<app_version>[^;]+)?\((?<app_platform>[^;]+); *"
| eval app=app_platform+" "+app_name+" "+app_version
| stats
count(eval(status=400)) AS fail_count
count(eval(status=200)) AS success_count
BY app
| eval success_rate=round((success_count / (success_count + fail_count))*100,1)
| table app success_rate
Hi @mwolfe ,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated by all the contributors 😉