Hi all, I'm trying to compare list of apps by server with a list of apps in lookup to find if its installed or not. I tried Join and append, its not working. Please advise.
|inputlookup app_list.csv| table app_name
index=test | table system app_name | stats values(app_name) by system| append [|inputlookup app_list.csv| table app_name
If I understand your question correctly, you are looking to see if your index data for any given server contains the apps in the lookup, so you are trying to check a negative state in your data, so if you have the lookup containing
and your test index events have rows like
system=sys_1, app_name=app_1
system=sys_2, app_name=app_1
system=sys_3, app_name=app_1
system=sys_2, app_name=app_2
system=sys_1, app_name=app_3
system=sys_3, app_name=app_3
Then you would want to see
system Apps Status
system_1 app1 installed
app2 missing
app3 installed
system_2 app1 installed
app2 installed
app3 missing
system_3 app1 installed
app2 missing
app3 installed
Then this should do the trick
| stats count by system app_name
| append [
| inputlookup app_list.csv
| eval system="__"
| rename app_name as wanted_app_name
| table system wanted_app_name
| stats list(wanted_app_name) as wanted_app_name list(app_name) as app_name by system
| filldown wanted_app_name
| where system!="__"
| mvexpand wanted_app_name
| eval installed=if(!isnull(mvfind(app_name, wanted_app_name)), "installed", "missing")
| stats list(wanted_app_name) as Apps list(installed) as Status by system
Note that the stats list operation only supports 100 items, so you cannot have more than 100 apps in this case.
stats values will not work unless you do some additional processing to stitch up the app/status
Hope this helps