Hi guys,
Can you please help me , I am trying to create a query in which it shows if a user is in a different location in the sameday it will only prioritize one of it. please see below
| convert timeformat="%F %H:%M" ctime(zone) as ctime
| stats count by user fullname country ctime location
| rename fullname as "Name", ctime as DateStamp, location as "Location", user as "NetworkID", country as "Country"
| fields - count
| sort 0 NetworkID
This is what i am getting if I'm using the query above
NetworkID | Name | Country | DateStamp | Location |
userA | A Sample | Spain | 12-26-2022 | Office |
userA | A Sample | Spain | 12-27-2022 | Office |
userA | A Sample | Spain | 12-27-2022 | Home |
and this is what I am trying to get that If it's in the same day it will only Select the office
NetworkID | Name | Country | DateStamp | Location |
userA | A Sample | Spain | 12-26-2022 | Office |
userA | A Sample | Spain | 12-27-2022 | Office |
Thank you in advance
| convert timeformat="%F %H:%M" ctime(zone) as ctime
| stats count values(location) as location by user fullname country ctime
| rename fullname as "Name", ctime as DateStamp, location as "Location", user as "NetworkID", country as "Country"
| fields - count
| eval Location=if(isnotnull(mvfind(Location, "Office")), "Office", "Home")
| sort 0 NetworkID
@ITWhisperer , @Manasa_401 , @SanjayReddy
Thank you very much for the help
Hello @villnooB
After rename, add the below logic
| eventstats count as multiple by DateStamp Name
| eval valid=if(multiple>1 AND Location="Home","NO","YES")
| search valid="YES"
|fields - count multiple valid
If this helps, karma would be appreciated.
| convert timeformat="%F %H:%M" ctime(zone) as ctime
| stats count values(location) as location by user fullname country ctime
| rename fullname as "Name", ctime as DateStamp, location as "Location", user as "NetworkID", country as "Country"
| fields - count
| eval Location=if(isnotnull(mvfind(Location, "Office")), "Office", "Home")
| sort 0 NetworkID
Thank you very much
Hi @villnooB
can you try following qurey, highlight lines are are newly added
| convert timeformat="%F %H:%M" ctime(zone) as ctime
| stats count by user fullname country ctime location
| eval Filter=if(location="Office","Yes","NO")
| search Filter="Yes"
| rename fullname as "Name", ctime as DateStamp, location as "Location", user as "NetworkID", country as "Country"
| fields - count
| sort 0 NetworkID