Hi , i have the following fields (host id time) and 6 records
host | id
****** *****************
A | 3
A | 5
B | 1
B | 6
C | 5
C | 3
If the following conditions is met , the records will be product A and B respectively as below :
eval product A = (if host = A and id = 3) AND (if host = B and id = 6) AND (if host = C and id = 5) >> total 3 records
eval product B = (if host = A and id = 5) AND (if host = B and id = 1) AND (if host = C and id = 3)
My final outcome should be like this in stats :
product | count
****** *****************
A | 3 (3 events matches product A)
B | 3
I've tried>>" eval product = case(host=="A" AND id=='3', "A" , host=="B" AND id=='6', "A" ) etc | stats count(host) by product" but not working , it just keep loading . Am i doing it wrongly ? Please correct me if i'm wrong
@cheokiie, try adding the following eval and stats pipes to your existing search:
| eval Product=case(
((host="A" AND id=3) OR (host="B" AND id=6) OR (host="C" AND id=5)),"A",
((host="A" AND id=5) OR (host="B" AND id=1) OR (host="C" AND id=3)),"B",
| stats count by Product
Following is a run anywhere example based on sample data provided:
| makeresults
| eval data="A|3;A|5;B|1;B|6;C|5;C|3"
| makemv data delim=";"
| mvexpand data
| makemv data delim="|"
| eval host=mvindex(data,0), id=mvindex(data,1)
| fields - data, _time
| eval Product=case(
((host="A" AND id=3) OR (host="B" AND id=6) OR (host="C" AND id=5)),"A",
((host="A" AND id=5) OR (host="B" AND id=1) OR (host="C" AND id=3)),"B",
| stats count by Product
Please try out and confirm!
I created the following lookup file, according to your input:
with this, the following search does the right computation
| inputlookup test.csv
| eval productA=if(Host="A" and Id=3,1,if( Host="B" and Id=6,1,if(Host="C" and Id = 5,1,0)))
| eval productB=if(Host="A" and Id=5,1,if( Host="B" and Id=1,1,if(Host="C" and Id = 3,1,0)))
| stats sum(product*)
What it basically does is, for each Host,Id pair to evaluate if the pair belongs to productA or productB, and then simply sums for all products
@cheokiie, try adding the following eval and stats pipes to your existing search:
| eval Product=case(
((host="A" AND id=3) OR (host="B" AND id=6) OR (host="C" AND id=5)),"A",
((host="A" AND id=5) OR (host="B" AND id=1) OR (host="C" AND id=3)),"B",
| stats count by Product
Following is a run anywhere example based on sample data provided:
| makeresults
| eval data="A|3;A|5;B|1;B|6;C|5;C|3"
| makemv data delim=";"
| mvexpand data
| makemv data delim="|"
| eval host=mvindex(data,0), id=mvindex(data,1)
| fields - data, _time
| eval Product=case(
((host="A" AND id=3) OR (host="B" AND id=6) OR (host="C" AND id=5)),"A",
((host="A" AND id=5) OR (host="B" AND id=1) OR (host="C" AND id=3)),"B",
| stats count by Product
Please try out and confirm!