If i have a search that gives me the result as follows, I want to flag a red color in the values of the delta column if the delta is more than say 2. How can i do that?
Power1     Power2     abs(Delta)
12               12               0
23               20               3(should be in red color)
44               40               4(should be in red color)
There are several options here:
Option 1: range map in a table
See the Splunk dashboard examples app for some examples of how to do this. Specifically, you will want to check out “Table Icon Set (Rangemap)”.
Option 2: use a custom cell renderer
See the accepted answer for this question. It uses some custom Javascript but isn't too bad. It will only work on Splunk 6.0+.
Option 3: use custom CSS
See the accepted answer for this question. It also uses some custom Javascript but it is easy to use. This will work on Splunk 5.0 too.
How can do this with with just sideview utils by adding modules and changing parameters