Splunk Search

How to change timechart data points to reflect full timestamp instead of date_hours

New Member

Disclaimer - very green to Splunk

My timechart is built with the following

$search | timechart avg(date_hour) by date_mday

And the chart itself looks fine but because im only asking for date_hour each point only reflects the hour portion of each log's time stamp. Can I change my query so the alt text for each data point on the chart reflect the full time stamp?

Also, my x axis properly sorts point by day but my y axis bounds are off - can I set the max and min myself?


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1 Solution


Try 'span' keyword in 'timechart' command

| timechart span=1h avg(field_name)

View solution in original post

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Try 'span' keyword in 'timechart' command

| timechart span=1h avg(field_name)
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New Member

Adding span gets me exactly what I needed, thanks!

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