I am trying to build a working hours report with splunk...
I have a start date and an end date like so:
2012-07-03 12:56:07
2012-07-14 16:30:22
calculating calendar hours is simple but how do i get working hours?
any ideas?
you can convert your time to epochtime, ft not already done or use the splunk timestamp (in _time as epoch time)
if you want other time calculations, use eval.
see http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/4.3.3/SearchReference/Convert
mysearch_for_my_task | convert timeformat="%Y-%M-%d %H:%M:%S" start_second=mktime(start_time) AS start_second | convert timeformat="%Y-%M-%d %H:%M:%S" start_second=mktime(end_time) AS end_second | eval duration_second=end_second-start_second | eval duration_hour=round(duration_second/360,0) | table duration_hour
if the timestamp is the timestamp of the event, you can try a transaction
mysearch | transaction mycommonfield startswith="keyword1" endswith="keyword2"
| table mycommonfield _time duration
mysearch | stats first(_time) AS recent last(_time) AS oldest by mycommonfield
| eval duration_second=recent-oldest
| eval duration_second=end_second-start_second
| eval duration_hour=round(duration_second/360,0)
| table mycommonfield duration_hour
well the number of working hours between the start_time and end_time
for example i start working on a task at 09:00 AM on monday and finish at 13:00 PM on wednesday... i wish to count the number of working hours on the task...
What do you mean by "calculating" hours?