Splunk Search

How to calculate the percentage of two columns?

Path Finder

Need to calculate the percentage of two columns- I have a search that gives me a total of two columns and I need to get the percentage like this: is what % column "Today" is of column "Grand" 

Here is the search I'm using

Here is the search

`duo_index` extracted_eventtype=authentication NOT auth_log_version=v2 result=SUCCESS | eval factor=if(factor=="n/a",reason,factor) | where factor!="None" and factor!="null" | eval factor=upper(factor) | stats count by factor
| eventstats sum(count) as total |appendpipe [stats sum(count) as "equal"]

|append[search `duo_index` extracted_eventtype=authentication NOT auth_log_version=v2 result=FAILURE | eval factor=if(factor=="n/a",reason,factor) | where factor!="None" and reason!="null" | stats count by reason | eventstats sum(count) as total |appendpipe [stats sum(count) as "total2"] ]
|eval perc=(total2/equal)*100 |table perc equal total2


Thank you

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Not sure if it's as simple as

eval perc = (valueA/ValueB)*100


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