Splunk Search

How to calculate count based on the condition?


Hi ,

i want to calculate count based on the condition , like in the below query

if the event is 'sync' then the 'failed' count should fetch from
if the event is 'Async' then the 'failed' count should fetch from
source="*gps-external-processor-test*" OR source="*gps-artifact-processor-test*"

index="*dockerlogs*" source="*gps-request-processor-test*" OR source="*gps-external-processor-test*" OR source="*gps-artifact-processor-test*" event="*Request" documentType="*" OR labelType="*"
| eval LabelType=coalesce(labelType, documentType)
| eval event = case (like(event,"%Sync%"),"Sync",like(event,"%Async%"),"Async")
| rex mode=sed "s/1067/Windrunner/g" field=sourceNodeCode
| rex mode=sed "s/531/SFS/g" field=sourceNodeCode
| rex mode=sed "s/EUROPE_MIDDLE_EAST_AFRICA/EMEA/g" field=geoCode
| eval Geo=geoCode,Node=sourceNodeCode
| eval syncelapsed=if(source like "%gps-request-processor%",elapsedTime,null())
| eval asyncelapsed=if(source like "%gps-external-processor%" OR source like "%gps-artifact-processor%",elapsedTime,null())
| stats count(eval(status="Received" AND source like "%gps-request-processor%" )) as received count(eval(deliveryStatus="Success")) as delivered
count(eval(status="Failed")) as failed
avg(syncelapsed) as syncelapsedtime avg(asyncelapsed) as asyncelapsedtime avg(deliveryElapsedTime) as deliverytime by Node Geo LabelType event

Labels (4)
0 Karma


Where is the question? Does your code give what you wanted? If not, what is the output and why is that output what you wanted? (I.e., explain your requirements. Given the complexity of your sample code, you should also explain what are the data like. In particular, what constitutes "sync", what constitutes "async".) Further more, your opening requirement is "count based on the condition". (In Splunk lingo, count with groupby.) But that stats command makes it very unclear what kind of "count" you want to base on those conditions.

If I must take a blind shot, this is your effort to discern the source groups:

| eval syncelapsed=if(source like "%gps-request-processor%",elapsedTime,null())
| eval asyncelapsed=if(source like "%gps-external-processor%" OR source like "%gps-artifact-processor%",elapsedTime,null())

And this is your definition of "sync" vs "async"

| eval event = case (like(event,"%Sync%"),"Sync",like(event,"%Async%"),"Async")

If my mind-reading is correct, your requirement is basically a filter based on these fields before performing stats. Something like

| where isnotnull(syncelapsed) AND event == "Sync" OR isnotnull(asyncelapsed) AND event == "Async"

This is an extremely literal interpretation of your opening requirement. I get the feeling that there can be many alternatives to make this more efficient. But if we go with this literal approach, your search can be

index="*dockerlogs*" source="*gps-request-processor-test*" OR source="*gps-external-processor-test*" OR source="*gps-artifact-processor-test*" event="*Request" documentType="*" OR labelType="*"
| eval event = case (like(event,"%Sync%"),"Sync",like(event,"%Async%"),"Async")
| eval syncelapsed=if(source like "%gps-request-processor%",elapsedTime,null())
| eval asyncelapsed=if(source like "%gps-external-processor%" OR source like "%gps-artifact-processor%",elapsedTime,null())
| where isnotnull(syncelapsed) AND event == "Sync" OR isnotnull(asyncelapsed) AND event == "Async" ``` remove unnecessary events as early as possible ```
| eval LabelType=coalesce(labelType, documentType)
| rex mode=sed "s/1067/Windrunner/g" field=sourceNodeCode
| rex mode=sed "s/531/SFS/g" field=sourceNodeCode
| rex mode=sed "s/EUROPE_MIDDLE_EAST_AFRICA/EMEA/g" field=geoCode
| eval Geo=geoCode,Node=sourceNodeCode
| stats count(eval(status="Received" AND source like "%gps-request-processor%" )) as received count(eval(deliveryStatus="Success")) as delivered
count(eval(status="Failed")) as failed
avg(syncelapsed) as syncelapsedtime avg(asyncelapsed) as asyncelapsedtime avg(deliveryElapsedTime) as deliverytime by Node Geo LabelType event

Here, I moved independent command groups around so the search can have less data to deal with. Hope this helps.

0 Karma


Let me simplifie my requirement , Below is my query

index="*dockerlogs*" source="*gps-request-processor-test*" OR source="*gps-external-processor-test*" OR source="*gps-artifact-processor-test*" event="*Request"
| eval LabelType=coalesce(labelType, documentType)
| eval event = case (like(event,"%Sync%"),"Sync",like(event,"%Async%"),"Async")
| stats count(eval(status="Failed")) as failed by sourceNodeCode geoCode LabelType event

where as the
source : - is my application name
event :- Type of request whether synchronous request or Asynchronous request
labeltype : - Different type of label
sourcenodecode and geocode :- is the shopcode and shopregion from where the label is requested

Now i want to find the failed request count based on sourceNodeCode, geoCode, LabelType, event

where in case of synchronous request or event the failed count should fetch from '*gps-request-processor-test*' application

in case of asynchronous request or event the failed count should fetch from "*gps-external-processor-test*" OR "*gps-artifact-processor-test*" application

The output should look something similar to this attached o/p where the failed count should fetch from different application based on the event type.

0 Karma


So my mind-reading is right on spot😉 The above code should work.

In the simplified scenario, there is no pre-definition of sync- or async-lapsed which is based on source group, so you'll make source group explicit in the where command.

index="*dockerlogs*" source="*gps-request-processor-test*" OR source="*gps-external-processor-test*" OR source="*gps-artifact-processor-test*" event="*Request"
| eval LabelType=coalesce(labelType, documentType)
| eval event = case (like(event,"%Sync%"),"Sync",like(event,"%Async%"),"Async")
| where event == "Sync" AND source like "%gps-request-processor%" OR event == "Async" AND (source like "%gps-external-processor%" OR source like "%gps-artifact-processor%")
| stats count(eval(status="Failed")) as failed by sourceNodeCode geoCode LabelType event
0 Karma

index="*dockerlogs*" source="*gps-request-processor-test*" OR source="*gps-external-processor-test*" OR source="*gps-artifact-processor-test*" event="*Request"
| eval LabelType=coalesce(labelType, documentType)
| eval event = case (like(event,"%Sync%"),"Sync",like(event,"%Async%"),"Async")
| where event == "Sync" AND source like "%gps-request-processor%" OR event == "Async" AND (source like "%gps-external-processor%" OR source like "%gps-artifact-processor%")
| stats count(eval(status="Received")) as received count(eval(status="Failed")) as failed by sourceNodeCode geoCode LabelType event

suppose i need to calculate the count of both received and failed but i want this where clause to be applicable while calculating the failed count only, so in that case what should be my query.

0 Karma


As I mentioned in your new thread, you just exclude Failed from the restrictive filter, i.e.,

index="*dockerlogs*" source="*gps-request-processor-test*"
OR source="*gps-external-processor-test*"
OR source="*gps-artifact-processor-test*" event="*Request" | eval LabelType=coalesce(labelType, documentType) | eval event = case (like(event,"%Sync%"),"Sync",like(event,"%Async%"),"Async") | where status != "Failed" AND (event == "Sync" AND source like "%gps-request-processor%"
OR event == "Async" AND (source like "%gps-external-processor%"
OR source like "%gps-artifact-processor%")) | stats count(eval(status=="Failed")) as failed by sourceNodeCode geoCode LabelType event
0 Karma
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