Splunk Search

How to build correlationId (transactionId) search?



Below is an example of my use case:

timestamp messageId correlationId region category trace
17/05/2023 00:00 1 correlationA UCAN orders START
17/05/2023 00:01 2 correlationA UCAN orders FLOW
17/05/2023 00:02 3 correlationA UCAN orders FLOW
17/05/2023 00:03 4 correlationA UCAN orders FLOW
17/05/2023 00:04 5 correlationA UCAN orders FLOW
17/05/2023 00:05 6 correlationA UCAN orders FLOW
17/05/2023 00:06 7 correlationA UCAN orders FLOW
17/05/2023 00:07 8 correlationA UCAN orders END
17/05/2023 00:10 9 correlationB EMEA accounts START
17/05/2023 00:11 10 correlationB EMEA accounts FLOW
17/05/2023 00:12 11 correlationB EMEA accounts FLOW
17/05/2023 00:13 12 correlationB EMEA accounts FLOW
17/05/2023 00:14 13 correlationB EMEA accounts FLOW
17/05/2023 00:15 14 correlationB EMEA accounts FLOW
17/05/2023 00:16 15 correlationB EMEA accounts EXCEPTION


And the expected output:

timestamp correlationId region category status #records duration
17/05/2023 00:10 correlationA UCAN order SUCCESS 6 00:07:00
17/05/2023 00:16 correlationB EMEA accounts ERROR 5 00:06:00


- the goal is to have one row per correlationId 

- the column STATUS should be calculated with the following rule: if there is a row with trace=END it means that the flow ran successfully and the status should be "SUCCESS" and if there is a row with trace=EXCEPTION it means that an error occurred and the status should be "ERROR"

- the number of records should consider only the rows with trace=FLOW

- the duration should be the time elapsed from the row with trace=START until the row trace=END or trace=EXCEPTION

Can you help on building the query?

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Try something like this

| stats earliest(_time) as start latest(_time) as end last(trace) as status values(region) as region values(category) as category count as records by ocrrelationId
| eval timestamp = end
| eval duration = end-start
| fieldformat duration = tostring(duration, "duration")
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