I have the following data
Date Server Value
1st Jan abc 10
1st Jan xyz 12
2nd Jan abc 15
2nd Jan xyz 20
I want to be able to find the change in value, per server over time.
I would like the results to be similar to:
Server ChangeSinceYesterday
abc 5
xyz 8
Can anyone help me to do this in Splunk?
Try this
.... | reverse | streamstats window-1 current=f earliest(value) as p_val by server | eval chg=p_val-value | table date server chg
Try this
.... | reverse | streamstats window-1 current=f earliest(value) as p_val by server | eval chg=p_val-value | table date server chg
Sundeshr this is now working! Thank you!
Thank you!
I think this may work, but might be missing something in the syntax...
Full search below:
index=ad source=otl_aduserscan
| search samAccountName=smcdonald
| table displayName, samAccountName, mailboxGB
| sort by displayName
| reverse | streamstats window=1 current=f earliest(mailboxGB) as p_val by samAccountName | eval chg=(p_val- mailboxGB) | table samAccountName, mailboxGB, chg
What's the error you're getting?