Splunk Search

How to build a dashboard to show critical devices without any overlap?


Hi Giuseppe,

Thanks for your quick reply. See below my search:

| inputlookup perimeter.csv
| eval SplunkHost=lower(SplunkHost) 
| join SplunkHost type=outer 
    [| metadata my indexexes type=hosts 
    | rename totalCount as Count, host as SplunkHost, lastTime as "Last Event" 
    | eval actualhourslag=(now()-'Last Event')/60/60 
    | eval SplunkHost=lower(SplunkHost)] 
| fieldformat "Last Event"=strftime('Last Event', "%c") 
| where actualhourslag>HoursLag OR NOT actualhourslag="*"
| stats sum(Count) by SplunkHost
| rename sum(Count) as total
| where total < 50

This is the search I'm using for my dashboard. When I use the timeframe 0-6 hours or 6-12 hours or 12 - 18 hours or 18 - 24 hours or 1 - 5 days, the result is almost the same in some instance and they overlap. I just would like to know if I can have each device in a very specific timeframe. For example, any devices in 0-6 hours cannot be seen in 12-18 hours and cannot be seen in 18-24 hours and so on.



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Esteemed Legend

First, fix your basic search like this:

| metadata my indexexes type=hosts 
| rename totalCount as Count, host as SplunkHost, lastTime as "Last Event" 
| eval actualhourslag=(now()-'Last Event')/60/60 
| eval which="metadata"
| inputlookup append=t perimeter.csv
| eval which=coalesce(which, "csv")
| eval SplunkHost=lower(SplunkHost)
| stats values(*) AS * BY SplunkHost
| where actualhourslag>HoursLag OR NOT actualhourslag="*"
| stats sum(Count) by SplunkHost
| rename sum(Count) as total
| where total < 50
| fieldformat "Last Event"=strftime('Last Event', "%c")

Now I am not sure what you mean about the timeframe stuff but perhaps add something like this:

| bin timeframe span=6
| stats <some stuff here> BY timeframe
0 Karma


Hi louispaul76,
beware that you created a new question, instead comment my answer!

Anyway, in your search I see two problems:

  • the first is that you use join that is a very slow command, so it's better to use the stats command as I suggest;
  • the second is that you put in the main search | inputlookup and in the second | metasearch ; it's better to change the order because there's a limit of 50,000 results in subsearches so you could not have all the results of your secondary search.

So try something like this

| metadata my indexexes type=hosts
| rename totalCount as Count, lastTime as "Last Event"
| eval actualhourslag=(now()-'Last Event')/60/60, host=lower(host), timeframe=case(strftime(_time,"%H")<7", "0-6", strftime(_time,"%H")<13","7-12", strftime(_time,"%H")<19","13-18",strftime(_time,"%H")>18","19-24")
| stats values(timeframe) AS timeframe count BY host
| append [  | inputlookup perimeter.csv | eval host=lower(SplunkHost) ]
| stats values(timeframe) AS timeframe sum(count) AS Total BY host 

So you can apply all the rules you want using the timeframe field.


0 Karma


Can you create a new column like found_flag in your csv file and keep updating it?

| inputlookup perimeter.csv | where found_flag=""
|blah blah
|eval found_flag=1
|outputlookup perimeter.csv append=true

And then another search query to dedup the results

| inputlookup perimeter.csv | sort - found_flag |dedup SplunkHost |outputlookup perimeter.csv 
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