I have a CURL script that generates a CSV file, and I would like to use that CSV file as a lookup for some searches that we run in Splunk.
The CURL script runs once daily and generates the output file.
My question is, how do I get the lookup table to update automatically whenever a new file is placed in the specified location?
If I define a lookup using the Web GUI, would the lookup table be automatically updated whenever the CSV file is updated?
Also, If the lookup file is generated on one node of a 4 node search head cluster, will it automatically be propagated to all the cluster nodes, or does it need to be manually defined on each node?
Thanks and Regards,
Madan Sudhindra
Hi msudhindra,
The lookup will be updated as soon as you put the new csv in place, also the lookup will be propagated across the Search Head Cluster http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/DistSearch/HowconfigurationworksinSHC#How_configu...
cheers, MuS
Hi msudhindra,
The lookup will be updated as soon as you put the new csv in place, also the lookup will be propagated across the Search Head Cluster http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/DistSearch/HowconfigurationworksinSHC#How_configu...
cheers, MuS