Splunk Search

How to append a total row for a column chart?

Path Finder

Hi, so I currently have a column chart that has two bars for each day of the week, one bar is reanalysis and one is resubmission. I want to add a third column for each day that does an average across both items but I can't find a good way to add another field entry.

I can shape the data to get the Sum/count separately but I'm not sure how to add a total

Analysis_type        Date        Sum                Count
reanalysis         06/12       50        2  
resubmission         06/12     400      4
reanalysis         06/13       55        5  
resubmission         06/13   500        10

Should look like this in final iteration

    Analysis_type        Date       Average          
    reanalysis         06/12      25
    resubmission         06/12    100   
    Total               06/12      75 ((50 + 400)/(2+4))
    reanalysis         06/13      11
    resubmission         06/13    50
    Total               06/13      37 ((55+500)/(10+5)

Let me know if more information is needed to handle this issue.

Here is the query I am using to generate the first chart.

index=cumulus_test1 AND (analysis_type="reanalysis" OR analysis_type="resubmission")
| dedup file_name
| eval SizeGB = ubf_size/1000000000 
| eval month_num=strftime(_time,"%m")
| eval day_num=strftime(_time,"%d")
| eval date=month_num."/".day_num
| stats sum(SizeGB) AS Sum, count(file_name) AS count by analysis_type, date
0 Karma
1 Solution

Revered Legend

Try like this
** (Updated per comment)**

index=cumulus_test1 AND (analysis_type="reanalysis" OR analysis_type="resubmission")
 | dedup file_name
 | eval SizeGB = ubf_size/1000000000 
 | eval month_num=strftime(_time,"%m")
 | eval day_num=strftime(_time,"%d")
 | eval date=month_num."/".day_num
 | stats sum(SizeGB) AS Sum, count(file_name) AS count by analysis_type, date    
| appendpipe [| stats sum(Sum) as Sum sum(count) count by date | eval analysis_type="Total" ]
| eval Average=Sum/count | fields - Sum count
| sort 0 analysis_type date

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Revered Legend

Try like this
** (Updated per comment)**

index=cumulus_test1 AND (analysis_type="reanalysis" OR analysis_type="resubmission")
 | dedup file_name
 | eval SizeGB = ubf_size/1000000000 
 | eval month_num=strftime(_time,"%m")
 | eval day_num=strftime(_time,"%d")
 | eval date=month_num."/".day_num
 | stats sum(SizeGB) AS Sum, count(file_name) AS count by analysis_type, date    
| appendpipe [| stats sum(Sum) as Sum sum(count) count by date | eval analysis_type="Total" ]
| eval Average=Sum/count | fields - Sum count
| sort 0 analysis_type date
0 Karma

Path Finder

Thanks! That worked perfectly!

0 Karma


Without reading too much, have you tried putting

 | addcoltotals 

At the end?

0 Karma

Path Finder

I attempted that however that gives me the totals across the entire date range when I want the totals to be done by date.

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Just add this to the end of your existing search:

| eval Average = Sum / Count | fields - Sum Count
0 Karma

Path Finder

That gives me the average for both reanalysis and resubmission but I'm trying to get an aggregated average across both. I updated the post with a bit more detail

0 Karma

Path Finder

There's no need to be so snarky considering this is a place where people ask for help...

Here's the event flow:
I have single events that have a ubf_size and one of two different analysis types. I want an average by analysis types and I also want an aggregated average across both analysis types for each day. I'm not sure what's unclear about that. I simplified it so you can see exactly what I mean, right now I have the first two rows but I want to produce a third total row that sums up the Sum(ubf_size) and count(files) from reanalysis and resubmission in order to produce an aggregated average while retaining the data regarding reanalysis and resubmission.

The data looks like this
Analysis Type Date Sum(ubf_size) count(files) Average
reanalysis 06/12 10 5 2
resubmission 06/12 12 3 4

I want to add a row like this
total 06/12 22 8 2.75
The answer you gave me gives me an average for both reanalysis and resubmission but there is no "total"

0 Karma


Can you share your query?

It should look something like ... | stats values(Date), avg(Average) by Analysis_type

0 Karma

Path Finder

Updated the post with my query

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

how did you calculate the averages on the second results?
maybe `... | eval Average = round(Sum/Count, 2)
hope it helps

0 Karma

Path Finder

My issue isn't calculating the average but taking an aggregated average of reanalysis and resubmission values and generating another entry for each date under a Total

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

can you please elaborate a little more?
sorry i cant understand exactly what you are looking for but in your example, the math does not work considering average = sum / count, your results do not reflect that.
maybe you refer to the | addcoltotal command?
it is tricky when adding averages, or do you want to add averages?
please share some more info so we can better assist

0 Karma

Path Finder

Sorry, I was unclear and used filler numbers to get the point across. I've fixed it so the numbers all make sense

Each day I produce files with a ubf_size. These files fall into two categories reanalysis and resubmission. I want an average of the ubf_sizes for each category on a per day basis. I also want an aggregated average that combines the two categories.

Taking the example from 06/12 above
Reanalysis had 2 files for a total ubf_size of 50 GB giving an average of 25
Resubmission had 4 files for a total ubf_size of 400 GB giving an average of 100

I have no trouble getting the above two rows but I want to somehow append another row that would look like
Total 6 files for a total ubf_size of 450 giving an average of 75.
While retaining the data for reanalysis and resubmission and doing it on a per day basis.

| addcoltotal doesn't work because it does it across the entire dataset when I want the totals per day. I don't want to add averages because that number would be incorrect which is why I calculated the Sum/Count separately to manually calculate the averages instead of using stats avg(ubf_size). I'm simply unsure how to manipulate the Sum/Count to get a separate total.

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

add to your search:
sum(ubf_size) as total_gb count as total_count
| eval avg = total_gb / total_count

0 Karma

Path Finder

Yes, that would successfully give me the total I am looking for but then I lose the statistics regarding reanalysis/resubmission. My final goal is a column chart where the x-axis is the date, y-axis is the average and each date has three columns (reanalysis, resubmission, total).

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

This question is so borked that maybe you should start over. I have NO IDEA what you are trying to do at this point. The path from your events to your "final iteration" is infinitely cloudy. I have no ideal what math/logic you are trying to apply.

0 Karma

Path Finder

See my response to Adonio. I fixed up the numbers in the example to make sense.

As it is currently, I can generate the averages for both reanalysis and resubmission just fine. If that was it I could use stats avg(ubf_size) to achieve that.

The issue is that I want an aggregated average which combines the totals of both on a per day basis while retaining the reanalysis and resubmission statistics. To me the best method seems to be calculating the Sum/Count separately then somehow appending the summation on a per day basis to a new analysis_type called "Total" where the

average=Sum(reanalysis+resubmission ubf_size)/Count(reanalysis+resubmission file count).

0 Karma
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