Hi, I have a search that uses the chart command to split by 2 fields, such that the results are shown below. The data is split by Name and Month.
I would like to add a row with the average of all Names for each month, and a column with the average of all Months for each Name.
I have tried using appendpipe and appendcols for each case, but couldn't quite figure out the syntax using a chart command.
PS. Each row is already an appended subsearch.
Can you please try this?
| foreach *
[ eval "<<FIELD>>_row_count" = 0
| foreach *
[ eval "<<FIELD>>_row_count" = if(isnull('<<FIELD>>'),'<<FIELD>>_row_count' ,'<<FIELD>>_row_count'+1)
| addcoltotals
| foreach *
[ eval <<FIELD>>=if(isnull(Name),'<<FIELD>>'/('<<FIELD>>_row_count'),'<<FIELD>>')
| fields - *_row_count
| addtotals
| eval column_count=0
| foreach *
[ eval column_count=if(isnull('<<FIELD>>'),column_count ,column_count + 1)]
| eval column_count = (column_count-3)
| eval Avg_1 = Total/column_count
| fields - column_count Total
| eval Name=if(isnull(Name),"AVG_2",Name)
My Sample Search :
| makeresults
| eval _raw="Name 03-22 04-22 05-22 06-22 07-22 08-22
A 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11
B 22.22 22.22 22.22 22.22 22.22 22.22
C 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33
D 44.44 44.44 44.44 44.44 44.44 44.44
E 55.55 55.55 55.55 55.55 55.55 55.55
| multikv forceheader=1
| table Name 0*
| foreach *
[ eval "<<FIELD>>_row_count" = 0
| foreach *
[ eval "<<FIELD>>_row_count" = if(isnull('<<FIELD>>'),'<<FIELD>>_row_count' ,'<<FIELD>>_row_count'+1)
| addcoltotals
| foreach *
[ eval <<FIELD>>=if(isnull(Name),'<<FIELD>>'/('<<FIELD>>_row_count'),'<<FIELD>>')
| fields - *_row_count
| addtotals
| eval column_count=0
| foreach *
[ eval column_count=if(isnull('<<FIELD>>'),column_count ,column_count + 1)]
| eval column_count = (column_count-3)
| eval Avg_1 = Total/column_count
| fields - column_count Total
| eval Name=if(isnull(Name),"AVG_2",Name)
I hope this will help you.
If any of my replies help you to solve the problem Or gain knowledge, an upvote would be appreciated.
Can you please try this and check Avg_1 and AVG_2?
| addcoltotals
| eventstats count as row_count
| foreach *
[ eval <<FIELD>>=if(isnull(Name),'<<FIELD>>'/(row_count-1),'<<FIELD>>')]
| fields - row_count
| addtotals
| eval column_count=0
| foreach *
[ eval column_count=column_count+1]
| eval Avg_1 = Total/(column_count-3)
| fields - column_count Total
| eval Name=if(isnull(Name),"AVG_2",Name)
My Sample Search :
| makeresults
| eval _raw="Name 03-22 04-22 05-22 06-22 07-22 08-22
A 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11
B 22.22 22.22 22.22 22.22 22.22 22.22
C 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33
D 44.44 44.44 44.44 44.44 44.44 44.44
E 55.55 55.55 55.55 55.55 55.55 55.55
| multikv forceheader=1
| table Name 0*
| addcoltotals
| eventstats count as row_count
| foreach *
[ eval <<FIELD>>=if(isnull(Name),'<<FIELD>>'/(row_count-1),'<<FIELD>>')]
| fields - row_count
| addtotals
| eval column_count=0
| foreach *
[ eval column_count=column_count+1]
| eval Avg_1 = Total/(column_count-3)
| fields - column_count Total
| eval Name=if(isnull(Name),"AVG_2",Name)
I hope this will help you.
If any of my replies help you to solve the problem Or gain knowledge, an upvote would be appreciated.
Hi @kamlesh_vaghela, this works great! Thanks! A quick add-on question, is there a way for row_count and column_count to ignore null values?
Can you please try this?
| foreach *
[ eval "<<FIELD>>_row_count" = 0
| foreach *
[ eval "<<FIELD>>_row_count" = if(isnull('<<FIELD>>'),'<<FIELD>>_row_count' ,'<<FIELD>>_row_count'+1)
| addcoltotals
| foreach *
[ eval <<FIELD>>=if(isnull(Name),'<<FIELD>>'/('<<FIELD>>_row_count'),'<<FIELD>>')
| fields - *_row_count
| addtotals
| eval column_count=0
| foreach *
[ eval column_count=if(isnull('<<FIELD>>'),column_count ,column_count + 1)]
| eval column_count = (column_count-3)
| eval Avg_1 = Total/column_count
| fields - column_count Total
| eval Name=if(isnull(Name),"AVG_2",Name)
My Sample Search :
| makeresults
| eval _raw="Name 03-22 04-22 05-22 06-22 07-22 08-22
A 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11 11.11
B 22.22 22.22 22.22 22.22 22.22 22.22
C 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33
D 44.44 44.44 44.44 44.44 44.44 44.44
E 55.55 55.55 55.55 55.55 55.55 55.55
| multikv forceheader=1
| table Name 0*
| foreach *
[ eval "<<FIELD>>_row_count" = 0
| foreach *
[ eval "<<FIELD>>_row_count" = if(isnull('<<FIELD>>'),'<<FIELD>>_row_count' ,'<<FIELD>>_row_count'+1)
| addcoltotals
| foreach *
[ eval <<FIELD>>=if(isnull(Name),'<<FIELD>>'/('<<FIELD>>_row_count'),'<<FIELD>>')
| fields - *_row_count
| addtotals
| eval column_count=0
| foreach *
[ eval column_count=if(isnull('<<FIELD>>'),column_count ,column_count + 1)]
| eval column_count = (column_count-3)
| eval Avg_1 = Total/column_count
| fields - column_count Total
| eval Name=if(isnull(Name),"AVG_2",Name)
I hope this will help you.
If any of my replies help you to solve the problem Or gain knowledge, an upvote would be appreciated.
Hi @yuanliu , thanks for replying. As I need the averages of the data, just using addtotals or addcoltotals doesn't seem to be sufficient, as the number of rows and columns are dynamic, hence I cannot simply add the totals then divide by a fixed number of rows or columns. Unless you have a way to dynamically count the number of rows and columns?
In that case, use eventstats and foreach with addcoltotals.
| eventstats sum(*) as total_*
| foreach *
[ eval avg_<<FIELD>> = <<FIELD>> / total<<FIELD>> ]
| fields - total_*
| addcoltotals