I'm trying to add a single value to a table I use to dynamically populate a selector in a dashboard. The search I use to populate the dropdown is:
index=initial search|dedup pageURL| table pageURL
I want to add to the end of the search something that can be a *
value. The reason for this is that in my dashboards built off of the input, I use $pageURL$
to allow viewers to select the specific page they wish to see stats for. However, I want a specific value where I set pageURL=*
so that viewers can see what all the pages look like. I tried doing the following as the search to populate the dropdown:
index=initial search|dedup pageURL| table pageURL | append [|table pageURL | eval pageURL="*"]
But that didn't add a value of *
to the end of the table. Is there a way I can do this?
Give this a go:
index=initial search|dedup pageURL| table pageURL | append [| makeresults 1 | eval pageURL="*" | table pageURL]
I hope this helps!
Also, if I understand what you're asking correctly, I typically add a manual entry to the input as well. You can call that one "All" and give it a value of *. So then your users would have an All option in the dropdown along with each pageURL from your dynamic search.
That's might be a bit easier than trying to append it to your dynamic search.
I didn't even think about adding a static value, thanks! That does seem a lot more efficient.
Yes that is true - You'd be as well to add the static entry. but...now you know about makeresults
Give this a go:
index=initial search|dedup pageURL| table pageURL | append [| makeresults 1 | eval pageURL="*" | table pageURL]
I hope this helps!