The following is my search
…..My Search…… | stats count by orderid,source,host
Which displays the following results
orderid source host count
971729145 /jboss/server/12commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp02a 1
106283305 /jboss/server/20cap/log/server.log kvcldprdapp01b 1
147093787 /jboss/server/13commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp08b 1
569279529 /jboss/server/11commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp01a 2
670563206 /jboss/server/13commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp03b 1
862422991 /jboss/server/12commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp07b 1
038357748 /jboss/server/12commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp03b 1
Now how can i modify my search to display a separate column and shows the total count as follows
orderid source host count Total_Count
971729145 /jboss/server/12commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp02a 1 8
106283305 /jboss/server/20cap/log/server.log kvcldprdapp01b 1
147093787 /jboss/server/13commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp08b 1
569279529 /jboss/server/11commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp01a 2
670563206 /jboss/server/13commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp03b 1
862422991 /jboss/server/12commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp07b 1
038357748 /jboss/server/12commerce/log/server.log kvcldprdapp03b 1
Try this
…..My Search…… | stats count by orderid,source,host | eventstats sum(count) as Total_Count
Have you tried adding ... | appendpipe [stats sum(count) as Total_Count]
Appendpipe will add a row with total, not the Total as separate column
Yes, but you'll get the total repeated on each row with eventstats. I think he only wants the grand total displayed once?
Well I may be wrong with interpretation of his requirement. And when I look at the expected output, yes that's misleading.
Guess it upto @pravanae, to decide which format he wanted.
Indeed. I could be wrong too!
Try this
…..My Search…… | stats count by orderid,source,host | eventstats sum(count) as Total_Count