I have the below working SPLUNK query which is being used to print the timechart. I would like to trigger an email alert on daily basis. I would like to use the same query for email alert on daily basis.
Problem : How can I access the count of each searchmatch in email notification?
I am trying to access the counts like below in Splunk alert:
Status Value : Count
Approved : $result.string.Approved$
Declined : $result.string.Decline$
Pending : $result.string.Pending$
Review : $result.string.Review$
Null :$result.string.Null_Status$
ALL : $result.All$ (Should be sum of all above statues)
But it is not working.
Here is the Query:
index=dotcom sourcetype=dotcom_cc "and applicationStatus value : *" OR "and applicationStatus value : D" OR "and applicationStatus value : R" OR "and applicationStatus value : A" OR "and applicationStatus value : P" OR "and applicationStatus value : null" | eval string=case(searchmatch("and applicationStatus value : D"), "Decline", searchmatch("and applicationStatus value : R"), "Review", searchmatch("and applicationStatus value : A"), "Approved", searchmatch("and applicationStatus value : P"), "Pending", searchmatch("and applicationStatus value : null"), "Null_Status") | timechart count by string
First, add this to your search:
| eval All = "Decline" + "Review" + "Approved" + "Pending" + "Null_Status"
Then try this for your email:
Status Value: Count
Approved: $result.Approved$
Declined: $result.Decline$
Pending: $result.Pending$
Review: $result.Review$
Null: $result.Null_Status$
ALL: $result.All$