Hello, I am very new to Splunk. I am wondering how to split these two values into separate rows. The "API_Name" values are grouped but I need them separated by date. Any assistance is appreciated!
| fields source, timestamp, a_timestamp, transaction_id, a_session_id, a_api_name, api_name, API_ID
| convert timeformat="%Y-%m-%d" ctime(_time) AS date
| eval sessionID=coalesce(a_session_id, transaction_id)
| stats values(date) as date dc(source) as cnt values(timestamp) as start_time values(a_timestamp) as end_time values(api_name) as API_Name by sessionID | where cnt>1
| eval start=strptime(start_time, "%F %T.%Q")
| eval end=strptime(end_time, "%FT%T.%Q")
| eval duration(ms)=abs((end-start)*1000)
| stats count,
perc95(duration(ms)) as 95thPercentileRespTime(ms) values(API_Name) as API_Name by date
To group by date and api_name, you put both in groupby clause, right?
| fields source, timestamp, a_timestamp, transaction_id, a_session_id, a_api_name, api_name, API_ID
| convert timeformat="%Y-%m-%d" ctime(_time) AS date
| eval sessionID=coalesce(a_session_id, transaction_id)
| stats values(date) as date dc(source) as cnt values(timestamp) as start_time values(a_timestamp) as end_time values(api_name) as API_Name by sessionID | where cnt>1
| eval start=strptime(start_time, "%F %T.%Q")
| eval end=strptime(end_time, "%FT%T.%Q")
| eval duration(ms)=abs((end-start)*1000)
| stats count, perc95(duration(ms)) as 95thPercentileRespTime(ms) by date API_Name
Does this give you what you expect?
Your screenshot shows two values under "date", meaning that your last stats command is working to separate values by date. Can you explain why this is not meeting your requirement? In other words, what exact output are you expecting?
Hello, I am looking to separate by date and API_Name. I am looking for something like the below. I need a count and 95thPercentileRespTime(ms) specifically for accountstatements-v1 and a count and 95thPercentileRespTime(ms) specifically for Realtime_Image_Access_Service_V2 organized by date.
date | count | 95thPercentileRespTime(ms) | API_Name |
2022-11-05 | x | x | accountstatements-v1 |
2022-11-06 | x | x | Realtime_Image_Access_Service_V2 |
2022-11-06 | x | x | accountstatements-v1 |
To group by date and api_name, you put both in groupby clause, right?
| fields source, timestamp, a_timestamp, transaction_id, a_session_id, a_api_name, api_name, API_ID
| convert timeformat="%Y-%m-%d" ctime(_time) AS date
| eval sessionID=coalesce(a_session_id, transaction_id)
| stats values(date) as date dc(source) as cnt values(timestamp) as start_time values(a_timestamp) as end_time values(api_name) as API_Name by sessionID | where cnt>1
| eval start=strptime(start_time, "%F %T.%Q")
| eval end=strptime(end_time, "%FT%T.%Q")
| eval duration(ms)=abs((end-start)*1000)
| stats count, perc95(duration(ms)) as 95thPercentileRespTime(ms) by date API_Name
Does this give you what you expect?
I get an error even if I use a comma between: date, API_Name.
It does not unfortunately. I get errors:
You didn't try the command in my post; it doesn't contain values(API_Name). (Whether you use comma or not is immaterial.)
Apologies! You are correct. I had a typo. This works perfectly! Thank you very much yuanliu!!