@indeed_2000 - Try JMX Add-on.
Consider upvoting if it helps!!!
@VatsalJagani want to monitor multiple Jboss instance on single host.
In this situation which one is better use jmx add-on or jboss add-on?
I would use both. As JBoss Add-on relies on JMX Add-on to collect performance logs that you are trying to collect.
From Doc - https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/AddOns/latest/JBoss/About
While you configure the JMX add-on to use jboss:jmx sourcetype asked by JBoss Add-on as that will do some data enrichment. - https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/AddOns/released/JBoss/Configureinputs
I hope this helps!!! Consider upvoting if it does!!!