Splunk Search

How to Generate Roles to Indexes table?


I'm looking for a way to search all indexes available for each role in Splunk (including access inherited from other roles).

This search almost does this:




| rest /servicesNS/-/-/authorization/roles count=0 splunk_server=local | fields title,srchIndexesAllowed | rename srchIndexesAllowed as Indexes, title as Role | search Indexes=*




However, this does not account for inherited indexes.

Listing indexes available for a single role is fairly easy (but time consuming):

Settings -> Roles -> 

Select a role (or Edit)
Open "Indexes" Tab
Filter "Show Selected" from the far right column.


Is there a way to get this list (for all roles) from SQL? 


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1 Solution



you could try this

| rest /services/authentication/users splunk_server=local 
| table title roles 
| rename title as user 
| mvexpand roles 
| join type=left roles 
    [ rest /services/authorization/roles splunk_server=local 
    | table title srchIndexesAllowed srchIndexesDefault imported_srchIndexesAllowed imported_srchIndexesDefault 
    | rename title as roles] 
| fillnull value="" srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, imported_srchIndexesAllowed, imported_srchIndexesDefault 
| eval srchIndexesAllowed = srchIndexesAllowed + " " + imported_srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault = srchIndexesDefault . " " . imported_srchIndexesDefault 
| makemv srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) 
| makemv srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+) 
| eval indexes= 
    [| eventcount summarize=false index=* index=_* 
    | stats values(index) AS indexes 
    | eval theindexes="\"" . mvjoin(indexes, " ") . "\"" 
    | return $theindexes ] 
| makemv indexes 
| stats values(srchIndexesAllowed) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(srchIndexesDefault) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles
| where isnotnull(srchIndexesAllowed)

Thanx @gjanders for this!

You could also use app https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4111 to get this and other auth* stuff.

r. Ismo 

View solution in original post



you could try this

| rest /services/authentication/users splunk_server=local 
| table title roles 
| rename title as user 
| mvexpand roles 
| join type=left roles 
    [ rest /services/authorization/roles splunk_server=local 
    | table title srchIndexesAllowed srchIndexesDefault imported_srchIndexesAllowed imported_srchIndexesDefault 
    | rename title as roles] 
| fillnull value="" srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault, imported_srchIndexesAllowed, imported_srchIndexesDefault 
| eval srchIndexesAllowed = srchIndexesAllowed + " " + imported_srchIndexesAllowed, srchIndexesDefault = srchIndexesDefault . " " . imported_srchIndexesDefault 
| makemv srchIndexesAllowed tokenizer=(\S+) 
| makemv srchIndexesDefault tokenizer=(\S+) 
| eval indexes= 
    [| eventcount summarize=false index=* index=_* 
    | stats values(index) AS indexes 
    | eval theindexes="\"" . mvjoin(indexes, " ") . "\"" 
    | return $theindexes ] 
| makemv indexes 
| stats values(srchIndexesAllowed) AS srchIndexesAllowed, values(srchIndexesDefault) AS srchIndexesDefault by roles
| where isnotnull(srchIndexesAllowed)

Thanx @gjanders for this!

You could also use app https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/4111 to get this and other auth* stuff.

r. Ismo 


this works very well, thank you

| rest /servicesNS/-/-/authorization/roles count=0 splunk_server=local 
| eval srchIndexesAllowed=mvappend(srchInexesAllowed,imported_srchIndexesAllowed)
| fields title,srchIndexesAllowed
| rename srchIndexesAllowed as Indexes, title as Role
| search Indexes=*
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