Hi I have the following query for training a model. However, I want to save my model name using a single column value that comes from a lookup. In a nutshell, I want to save the model name dynamically.
index = "Abc"
fields Days, Count, Target
| sample partitions=100
| appendpipe
[ | search partition_number < 90 | fields - partition_number
| fit DecisionTreeRegressor "target" from * splitter=best into "model_name" apply=false ]
So currently the model name is "model_name" but I want it to come from a lookup, where there is single column and a single value.
@niketn @gcusello
That worked! Thanks a lot
I've never tried to make a model name dynamically, but have done it with outputlookup - maybe you can do something similar?
| outputlookup
[| makeresults
| eval filename=strftime(relative_time(relative_time(now(),"-1mon@mon"), "@m"), "filename_%B_%Y.csv")
| return $filename]
Something like:
[ | search partition_number < 90 | fields - partition_number
| fit DecisionTreeRegressor "target" from * splitter=best into [|inputlookup xyz output myfieldname|return $myfilename] apply=false ]