Hi, I have a search which returns a list of records, some of them have a duplicate Value. Here's an example of the output of my search:
Running time(s) 8281
Running time(s) 8281
Running time(s) 8281
Running time(s) 8906
Running time(s) 8906
Running time(s) 9672
Running time(s) 10531
Running time(s) 10719
Running time(s) 13516
I need to keep all the values but those which appear twice. So, in the above example, I need to keep everything but 8906 because it appears twice. I tried with dedup but I don't understand how to make it work. Apparently dedup is not able to do something like this. Do you have any ideas how I can get rid of this?
Thank you,
I'll try to refine this if you can provide your actual search, but making a few guesses try this:
Tag=*tagname* | sort +_time |eventstats count(VALUE) as ct by VALUE|where ct!=2|table Tag Value
I'll try to refine this if you can provide your actual search, but making a few guesses try this:
Tag=*tagname* | sort +_time |eventstats count(VALUE) as ct by VALUE|where ct!=2|table Tag Value
My guess was pretty close 🙂
Give that a go.
Thank you nickhillscpl, I tried it and it works like crazy! This really solved my problem. Thank you so much for your quick and useful help 🙂
You mean you need to drop values which appear EXACTLY twice.. so if they appear 1, 3 or more times you want to keep them?
Exactly. If a value appears only once or three times (or even more) I need to keep it 🙂
Can you post your search which generates the result table?
Sure. It is a very simple search:
Tag=*tagname* | sort +_time | table Tag Value
and then I obtain that very small table. Thank you 🙂