Hi Guys,
I hope someone can help me?
I'm looking to search through several port ranges and match against one or multiple services that the port ranges match.
For example:
From_Port To_Port Service
3600 3389 MySQL RDP
Right now, my search is only matching on the first value which is MySQL and not MySQL and RDP.
Does anyone have a smart way of doing this? I believe you can use a lookup, but you need to specific each port and the ranges are massive.
Create a lookup called AppPortLookup
which has entries like this:
app port
ssl 443,8443
http 80,443
Then, you can do something like this:
| tstats summariesonly=true count min(_time) AS firstTime max(_time) AS lastTime
FROM datamodel=Network_Traffic
[|inputlookup AppPortLookup
| rename app AS All_Traffic.app
| rename port AS All_Traffic.dest_port
| format
| rex field=search mode=sed "s/AND \"All_Traffic.dest_port\"=/AND NOT \"All_Traffic.dest_port\" IN(/g s/ \) /) ) /g s/,/\",\"/g" ]
BY All_Traffic.src_ip, All_Traffic.dest_ip, All_Traffic.app, All_Traffic.dest_port
A lookup is a good approach for this - but yes you would need to specify each of the ports to make the reporting comprehensive, and there are a number of services which share ports with other applications. However you can download a ready made CSV list of all the assigned ports from here:
This would give you a head start, but if you have custom apps/services you may want to consider manually adding these to your lookup.
Also - this file is quite big, so you may wish to consider loading it into KV store instead of a CSV lookup.