Splunk Search

How do you get counts with wildcards?


Suppose I have the following data, but I don't know the GUIDs ahead of time:



I'd like to get counts like this:

Count    Path
1        /boat/*/duck
2        /car/*/fox
1        /car/*/cat
1        /car/*

Is this possible? I can even get close to this. I'd be happy — like, a count of 4 for "/car/*" would still be better than nothing.

0 Karma
1 Solution


Hi Martin,

Please find below the run anywhere query, one question is your path format is always same? if not we can think about negative indexing in mvindex.

|  makeresults  count=5
| rename comment as "start of data preparation"
| streamstats count as id
| eval path = case(id=1,"/boat/826ec68b-cc87-41f9-b93b-5bfae6f21c52/duck",id=2,"/car/39bdd442-167b-46b0-95fd-1e8e0423e7f8/fox",id=3,"/car/2c2d27d4-4c07-460e-8c0e-11aad4e4c34a/cat",id=4,"/car/2c2d27d4-4c07-460e-8c0e-11aad4e4c34a/fox",id=5,"/car/2c2d27d4-4c07-460e-8c0e-11aad4e4c34a")
| table path
| eval splitted_path = split(path,"/")
| eval needed_path = "/".mvindex(splitted_path,1)."/".if(isnull(mvindex(splitted_path,3))," ",mvindex(splitted_path,3))
| stats count by needed_path


View solution in original post

Esteemed Legend

Like this:

| makeresults 
| eval path = "/boat/826ec68b-cc87-41f9-b93b-5bfae6f21c52/duck /car/39bdd442-167b-46b0-95fd-1e8e0423e7f8/fox /car/2c2d27d4-4c07-460e-8c0e-11aad4e4c34a/cat /car/2c2d27d4-4c07-460e-8c0e-11aad4e4c34a/fox /car/2c2d27d4-4c07-460e-8c0e-11aad4e4c34a" 
| makemv path 
| mvexpand path 

| rename COMMENT AS "Everything above generates sample event data; everything below is your solution"

| eval orig_path = path 
| rex field=path mode=sed "s%(/[^/]+)/[^/]+%\1%"
| stats count by path


will this work, even if I don't know the actual GUIDs ahead of time?

0 Karma


How do I make that work on an enterprise query that uses an index? ie "index=mylog path='/routeX/*' ?

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Use your search and then add on lines 8-10 of my solution.

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

Yes, it blindly strips off everything between the 2nd and 3rd / character (including one of the / characters).

0 Karma


Hi Martin,

Please find below the run anywhere query, one question is your path format is always same? if not we can think about negative indexing in mvindex.

|  makeresults  count=5
| rename comment as "start of data preparation"
| streamstats count as id
| eval path = case(id=1,"/boat/826ec68b-cc87-41f9-b93b-5bfae6f21c52/duck",id=2,"/car/39bdd442-167b-46b0-95fd-1e8e0423e7f8/fox",id=3,"/car/2c2d27d4-4c07-460e-8c0e-11aad4e4c34a/cat",id=4,"/car/2c2d27d4-4c07-460e-8c0e-11aad4e4c34a/fox",id=5,"/car/2c2d27d4-4c07-460e-8c0e-11aad4e4c34a")
| table path
| eval splitted_path = split(path,"/")
| eval needed_path = "/".mvindex(splitted_path,1)."/".if(isnull(mvindex(splitted_path,3))," ",mvindex(splitted_path,3))
| stats count by needed_path



will this work, even if I don't know the actual GUIDs ahead of time?

0 Karma


Yes it will work.

0 Karma
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