I need to search on multiple indexes with the need of the dedup command on one of the searches, for which I only need to pull unique events based on one of the fields. I can get the expected results with the below query, but it's really slow (if the search is run for 24 hrs).
index=x “32432” “client” | append [search index=y “23232” “client” ] | append [search index=z “2323” “client” | spath "EventStreamData.args.id” | rename"EventStreamData.args.id” as ID | dedup ID ] | spath "EventStreamData.eventName" | rename "EventStreamData.eventName" as "Event_Name"
| timechart span=1h count(eval(Event_Name==“32432”)) as x_count count(eval(Event_Name==“23232”)) as y_count count(eval(Event_Name==“2323” )) as z_count
| table _time, x_count, y_count, z_count
And I have the below query which performs way better, but I am not able to use dedup in this for the subsearch.
(index=x “32432”) OR (index=y “23232”) OR (index=z “2323”) “client” | spath "EventStreamData.eventName" | rename "EventStreamData.eventName" as "Event_Name"
| timechart span=1h count(eval(Event_Name==“32432”)) as x_count count(eval(Event_Name==“23232”)) as y_count count(eval(Event_Name==“2323” )) as z_count
| table _time, x_count, y_count, z_count
My question is, how can I improve the performance of the first query or add dedup for index "z" to the second query to filter it only for unique queries?
Try below search, it should work.
(index=x “32432”) OR (index=y “23232”) OR (index=z “2323”) “client” | spath "EventStreamData.eventName" | rename "EventStreamData.eventName" as "Event_Name" |spath "EventStreamData.args.id" as "Id"| eval new_id= if(Event_Name==“2323”,Id,NULL)
| timechart span=1h count(eval(Event_Name==“32432”)) as x_count count(eval(Event_Name==“23232”)) as y_count dc(eval(ISNOTNULL(new_Id )) as z_count
| table _time, x_count, y_count, z_count
Try this:
(index=x AND "32432" AND "client") OR (index=y AND "23232" AND "client") OR (index=z AND "2323" AND client")
| spath "EventStreamData.args.id"
| rename"EventStreamData.args.id" AS ID
| dedup ID
| spath "EventStreamData.eventName"
| rename "EventStreamData.eventName" AS "Event_Name"
| timechart span=1h count(eval(Event_Name=="32432")) As x_count count(eval(Event_Name=="23232")) AS y_count count(eval(Event_Name=="2323")) AS z_count
| table _time, x_count, y_count, z_count
This doesn't work because all the indexes doesn't have this field - "EventStreamData.args.id". If I add dedup then x and z counts comes as 0 and y has right count.
Try below search, it should work.
(index=x “32432”) OR (index=y “23232”) OR (index=z “2323”) “client” | spath "EventStreamData.eventName" | rename "EventStreamData.eventName" as "Event_Name" |spath "EventStreamData.args.id" as "Id"| eval new_id= if(Event_Name==“2323”,Id,NULL)
| timechart span=1h count(eval(Event_Name==“32432”)) as x_count count(eval(Event_Name==“23232”)) as y_count dc(eval(ISNOTNULL(new_Id )) as z_count
| table _time, x_count, y_count, z_count
(index=x “32432”) OR (index=y “23232”) OR (index=z “2323”) “client” | spath "EventStreamData.eventName" | rename "EventStreamData.eventName" as "Event_Name" |spath "EventStreamData.args.id" as "Id"| eval new_id= if(Event_Name==“2323”,Id,NULL)
| timechart span=1h count(eval(Event_Name==“32432”)) as x_count count(eval(Event_Name==“23232”)) as y_count dc(new_id) as z_count
| table _time, x_count, y_count, z_count
This worked. But dedup and dc doesn't give same numbers for some reason. Difference is not huge, it's something like dedup giving 1458 vs dc giving 1471.