i have a table that has 30 columns and some rows,
table 1
column1 column2 ---------- column30
ww xx -------------------------- aa
expecting table will like this
column1 column2 ---------- column30
so my question is how to add more rows to it without deleting the old lookup.
Try this:
| appendpipe [| inputlookup abc.csv ] | eval key = column1."|".column2."|".column3
| dedup key
|outputlookup abc.csv append=false
<your query>| outputlookup append=true <yourlookupname>
thanks @vijeta its appending all results again and again. it be coming duplicates rows every time? my goal is, we have a existing table with some values(rows) and when ever i search it give the same values or new values. So if the values are same as in table it no need to add those values to existing table. if the values are new only it need to add to that lookup table.
I need to see your query .
i using another lookup table to search the data, my query will be like this
|inputlookup my_lookup | eval a=b |eval c=g |eval d=e | table b g e|outputlookup new_lookup
after your answer i changed my query to like this
|inputlookup my_lookup | eval a=b |eval c=g |eval d=e | table b g e |outputlookup append=true new_lookup
This will add to your new lookup whatever you are getting from old lookup. Do you want to overwrite new lookup ?
NO, if there are any new values coming from my search that values to be add my new lookup table. which type of command do i need to use ?
In that case append= false, did you try that.