category area period date count
cats A1 20161 15-01-2016 120500
cats A1 20162 30-01-2016 120500
cats A1 20163 30-01-2016 120500
cats B1 20163 30-01-2016 120500
cats C1 20163 30-01-2016 120500
dogs B1 20161 15-01-2016 100000
dogs A1 20162 30-01-2016 230000
dogs C1 20163 30-01-2016 62000
dogs B1 20164 15-02-2016 1100
dogs A1 20164 15-02-2016 2560
dogs B1 20165 28-02-2016 2560
dogs C1 20165 28-02-2016 2560
I have data in the above format. How do I make comparison between current period and previous period in real-time across category, area, and count? For example for Jan 2016, there are 3 executions (in 3 periods) 15-01-2016(20161), 30-01-2016(20162) and another one on 30-01-2016(20163). Similarly for Feb'16 we have 2 periods 20164 and 20165. A month would usually have 2-3 executions and each time the period counter is increased by 1.
How can I make comparison in real time between my current period and previous period (say for example 20165 and 20164)?
Help here would be really appreciated!!
Try something like this
your current search giving fields category area period date count in above format | appendpipe [stats count by period | sort 0 -period | streamstats count as sno by period | accum sno ]| sort 0 -period | eventstats values(sno) as sno by period | where (sno=1 OR sno=2) AND isnotnull(category) | eval period=if(sno=1,"current","previous")| eval temp=category."##".area | chart sum(count) as count over temp by period | rex field=temp "(?<category>.+)##(?<area>.+)" | fields - temp| table category area * | fillnull value=0
What sort of comparison do you want to make? Increase/decrease in count? What do you mean by "real-time" when all of this is historical data?
Hi anshumandas,
Since your not providing information about what you want to compare, try this search:
Your base search here to give the example output from your question
| streamstats current=f last(count) AS last_count last(category) AS last_category by period
| table period category count last_count
| where last_count!=count
This will give you a table were the count
is different per category
by period
Adopt to your needs and hope this helps ...
cheers, MuS
Try something like this
your current search giving fields category area period date count in above format | appendpipe [stats count by period | sort 0 -period | streamstats count as sno by period | accum sno ]| sort 0 -period | eventstats values(sno) as sno by period | where (sno=1 OR sno=2) AND isnotnull(category) | eval period=if(sno=1,"current","previous")| eval temp=category."##".area | chart sum(count) as count over temp by period | rex field=temp "(?<category>.+)##(?<area>.+)" | fields - temp| table category area * | fillnull value=0