I am creating a dashboard in which I am displaying total logins, successful logins, failed logins, error rates for each failed login, and percentages of failed logins.
Total Logins say count is 1000
Successful logins where status=200 say count=800
Failed logins is when status!=200 say count = 200
i.e., when status=401(say count = 100) or 204 (say count = 50) or 404 (say count = 50)
I first need to calculate the error rate for each failed login. So say error rate for status =401. I know the math i.e., 50/1000 where 50 is count for 401 and 100 is the total logins. But, I don't know how to use the eval command very well. Pls help!!
Also, I need to calculate the percentage of failed logins i.e., (200/1000)*100. Again, need help with the eval command. Pls help!!
index=akamai cp=654130 login
| eventstats count (status) as Total
| where status!=200
| stats count(status) as Error, values(Total) as Total by status
| eval error_rate= Error/Total
| fields error_rate status
Check if this helps.
your search
| stats count(eval(status="200")) as success count(eval(status!=200) as failed count(eval(status) as total_logon
| eval success_rate =(success/total_logon)*100 , failure_rate=(failed/total_logon)*100
Nope it gives an error 😞
now try, if it is successful accept the answer.
My previous search was intended for each failed connection from a client, now i changed for over all summary.
index=akamai cp=654130 login
| eventstats count (status) as Total
| where status!=200
| stats count(status) as Error, values(Total) as Total by status
| eval error_rate= Error/Total
| fields error_rate status
I just ran this and it worked perfectly!!'
Marry me 😛
great!! I'll convert this to an answer then you can accept it.
eval Error_Rate = (error_count/login_count)*100
eval Percent_Failed = (failed_count/login_count)*100
Its not working. Problem is that I cant use count in eval.
For example: Here Total_logins is count(status)
so I wrote: eval Total_logins=count(status), but it returns an error. Pls help!
Try this
yourquery| streamstats count(status) as Total|stats count(eval(Status!=200)) as Error by Status| eval Error_Rate = (Error/Total)*100
This doesn't work 😞 Help pls!
Try this
index=akamai cp=654130 login| eventstats count (status) as Total|where status!=200| stats count(status) as Error, values(Total) as Total by status| eval error_rate= Error/Total
Well... the result displays the status, total_logins and number of errors. However, I want to display only the error rate and the status
You can add |fields error_rate status at the end of query
But there's no value for error_rate. It doesn't seem to be calculating it. I'm sorry for all the trouble 😞
Try this:
index=akamai cp=654130 login
| eval error_ind = if(status=200,0,1)
| stats count(status) as Total, sum(error_ind) as Errors by status
| eval error_rate= (Errors/Total)*100
| fields error_rate status
@moizmmz did this help you at all?
@moizmmz what does your event look like and what are field names for status? Each event means a login?
Here's my query:
index=akamai cp=654130 login| stats count (status)
This basically gives me the total logins.
Next, status=200 gives me successful logins and status!=200 gives me failed logins.
You need to use stats in order to get your counts. I assumed you already had those counts.
hmm.. I still dont understand how to get them. pls help!!
For example: how would I get total_logins?