I have 2 events
Event1: Document uploaded <documentId>
Event2: Document viewed <documentId>
I have generated a common "docId" field for both events. I want to create a table that lists document Ids that have been uploaded but not viewed.
Ex: If I have the following events,
Document uploaded: 34423434
Document uploaded: 56676886
Document viewed: 56676886
I want a table that shows the below output
DocumentIdsNotViewed |
34423434 |
Thanks in advance!
Hi @shruthibm,
you should try something like this:
<your-search> ("Document uploaded" OR "Document viewed"
| eval type=if(searchmatch("Document uploaded"),"Document uploaded","Document viewed")
| stats dc(type) AS type_count values(type) AS type BY documentId
| where type_count=1 AND type="Document uploaded"
sure I understand this request, lets give this a try:
... | stats count(docId) as docIdCount | where docIdCount = 1
edit... oops, after few hrs, i understood that the logic is missing its idea. some trial and error on SPL creation is needed.
lets try this:
... | stats count(docId) as docIdCount by docId | where docIdCount = 1