I have multiple checkboxes which depending on the selections, it would hide or show different panels. Consider one panel for one checkbox. There's no problem if I were to select only 1 checkbox. But if I were to select multiple checkboxes, it doesnt display the multiple panels.
<input type="checkbox" token="search_option">
<label>Search By</label>
<choice value="sports">Sports</choice>
<choice value="news">News</choice>
<choice value="movies">Movies</choice>
<!-- Conditionally set/unset panels based on selections made -->
<condition value="sports">
<set token="input_sports">true</set>
<unset token="input_news"></unset>
<unset token="input_movies"></unset>
<set token="output_sports">true</set>
<unset token="output_news"></unset>
<unset token="output_movies"></unset>
<condition value="news">
<set token="input_news">true</set>
<unset token="input_sports"></unset>
<unset token="input_movies"></unset>
<set token="output_news">true</set>
<unset token="output_sports"></unset>
<unset token="output_movies"></unset>
<condition value="movies">
<set token="input_movies">true</set>
<unset token="input_sports"></unset>
<unset token="input_news"></unset>
<set token="output_movies">true</set>
<unset token="output_news"></unset>
<unset token="output_sports"></unset>
<condition match="$search_option$=="sports news movies" OR $search_option$=="sports movies news" OR $search_option$=="news sports movies" OR $search_option$=="news movies sports" OR $search_option$=="movies sports news" OR $search_option$=="movies news sports"">
<set token="input_sports">true</set>
<set token="input_news">true</set>
<set token="input_movies">true</set>
<set token="output_sports">true</set>
<set token="output_news">true</set>
<set token="output_movies">true</set>
Specifically, when I select all 3 boxes (sports, news and movies), it doesn't output the 3 panels. I think it doesn't output because the individual checkbox already has a condition to unset the other panels if only one checkbox is selected. If I remove the unset condition for the individual checkbox, then it would not remove the other panels if only a particular checkbox is selected.
So, how do:
1) If only one checkbox is selected, output only the specific panel
2) If two or more checkboxes are selected, then output the respective checkboxes
Thank you.
Have a play with this. It goes about the problem from a different angle, i.e. it uses a separate search that will set the tokens via a <done> clause. There's only one issue in that if you de-delect the final checkbox, it will not remove the deselected panel, as the search_options is not set.
<fieldset submitButton="false" autoRun="false">
<input type="checkbox" token="search_option" searchWhenChanged="true">
<label>Search By</label>
<choice value="sports">Sports</choice>
<choice value="news">News</choice>
<choice value="movies">Movies</choice>
<delimiter> </delimiter>
<title>IS=$input_sports$, IN=$input_news$, IM=$input_movies$</title>
<title>OS=$output_sports$, ON=$output_news$, OM=$output_movies$</title>
| makeresults
| eval options=split($search_option|s$," ")
| mvexpand options
| transpose 0 header_field=options
<eval token="input_sports">if($result.sports$>=0,"true",null)</eval>
<eval token="output_sports">if($result.sports$>=0,"true",null)</eval>
<eval token="input_news">if($result.news$>=0,"true",null)</eval>
<eval token="output_news">if($result.news$>=0,"true",null)</eval>
<eval token="input_movies">if($result.movies$>=0,"true",null)</eval>
<eval token="output_movies">if($result.movies$>=0,"true",null)</eval>
<row depends="$input_sports$,$output_sports$">
<panel depends="$input_sports$">
<panel depends="$output_sports$">
<row depends="$input_news$,$output_news$">
<panel depends="$input_news$">
<panel depends="$output_news$">
<row depends="$input_movies$,$output_movies$">
<panel depends="$input_movies$">
<panel depends="$output_movies$">
anyway, it might give you something to think about. Of course the search that is doing the token setting can be removes to a dashboard search or hidden itself - it's only visible so you can see what's going on.
Hope this helps