I need to monitor all Windows servers to alert if there is a critical application got uninstalled.
The simplest query would be searching for Event ID 11724 and compare the application name in "Message" field.
index=wineventlog EventCode="11724"
| search Message="*app_name*"
However, it will get lots of false positive that application updates/upgrades will automatically uninstall the application (Event ID 11724) and install it (Event ID 11707) within 5 mins(average).
My idea is to combine 2 event ID in a single query. Searching for uninstallation event of an application and if there is no installation event (11707) can be found within 5 mins. It returns True for alerting.
But I did a quick study on subsearch or join, and has no idea how to create this query.
Anyone got a better idea?
Hi @deav,
at first put always the search terms as left as possible, don't use the search command after the main search, you should use it only for searching on termes elaborated after the main search:
index=wineventlog EventCode="11724" Message="*app_name*"
Thne you should correlate you events using the transaction command, that,'s very slow or stats command using something like this:
index=wineventlog EventCode IN ("11724","11707") Message="*app_name*"
| stats
latest(eval(if(EventCode="11724",_time,""))) AS uninstall
latest(eval(if(EventCode="11707",_time,""))) AS install
dc(EventCode) AS EventCode_count
BY host appname
| eval diff=install-uninstall
| where (EventCode_count=1 AND EventCode="11724") OR (EventCode_count=2 AND diff<300)
in this way you have all the apps for each host where there's only the uninstall action or the difference between install and uninstall is less than 5m.
I supposed that you already extracted appname, otherwise you have to extract it, if you need help, please share some sample of your events in text format.