Here is my current query:
index=wineventlog sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security EventCode=4625 | rex ".*Account\sName:\s+(?<account>\S+)" | eval Date=strftime(_time, "%Y/%m/%d")|stats count by Date,account,host|eventstats median(count) as median, p30(count) as p30, p70(count) as p70,mean(count) as mean | eval iqr=p70-p30 | eval xplier=2 | eval low_lim=median-(iqr*xplier) | eval high_lim=median + (iqr*xplier) | eval anamoly = if(count<low_lim OR count>high_lim, count,0)
I am trying to get all failed logons grouped by account name on a daily basis, and generate statistics so that future behavior can be identified as anomalous. This query "works", but this part of the query...
|eventstats median(count) as median, p30(count) as p30, p70(count) as p70,mean(count) as mean | eval iqr=p70-p30 | eval xplier=2 | eval low_lim=median-(iqr*xplier) | eval high_lim=median + (iqr*xplier) | eval anamoly = if(count<low_lim OR count>high_lim, count,0)
...generates the stats on all the accounts and not only on the specific account.
Early on in the query, I group it by account name, Date and host, but after eventstats, it generates statistics on all the accounts as if they are the same. I think this is very easy to fix but I can't seem to figure it out.
you should just be able to add by account
at the end of your eventstats
index=wineventlog sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security EventCode=4625
| rex ".*Account\sName:\s+(?<account>\S+)"
| eval Date=strftime(_time, "%Y/%m/%d")
| stats count by Date,account,host
| eventstats median(count) as median, p30(count) as p30, p70(count) as p70,mean(count) as mean by account
| eval iqr=p70-p30
| eval xplier=2
| eval low_lim=median-(iqr*xplier)
| eval high_lim=median + (iqr*xplier)
| eval anamoly = if(count<low_lim OR count>high_lim, count,0)
you should just be able to add by account
at the end of your eventstats
index=wineventlog sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security EventCode=4625
| rex ".*Account\sName:\s+(?<account>\S+)"
| eval Date=strftime(_time, "%Y/%m/%d")
| stats count by Date,account,host
| eventstats median(count) as median, p30(count) as p30, p70(count) as p70,mean(count) as mean by account
| eval iqr=p70-p30
| eval xplier=2
| eval low_lim=median-(iqr*xplier)
| eval high_lim=median + (iqr*xplier)
| eval anamoly = if(count<low_lim OR count>high_lim, count,0)
Yup that worked! Thanks
Switch the query to:
index=wineventlog sourcetype=WinEventLog:Security EventCode=4625 | rex ".*Account\sName:\s+(?\S+)" | eval Date=strftime(_time, "%Y/%m/%d")|stats count by Date,account,host|eventstats median(count) as median, p30(count) as p30, p70(count) as p70,mean(count) as mean **by account** | eval iqr=p70-p30 | eval xplier=2 | eval low_lim=median-(iqr*xplier) | eval high_lim=median + (iqr*xplier) | eval anamoly = if(counthigh_lim, count,0)
and It works...