After jumping through a few loops the get my three searches to work together, I got it to work. But now I need to find a way to make it run faster. After a few hours of running it went through 330 million files and was not even a 1/3 of the way done. I plan on putting this in a bar graph and a pie chart. can anyone help?
eventtype=egress_email Email_Address=* File_Type=*| top limit=20 File_Type | addtotals row=f col=t labelfield=File_Type label=Email| search File_Type=Email count=* |fields - percent| append [ search eventtype=egress_ntu Operation="Network Transfer Upload" sourcetype="digitalguardian:events" File_Type=* | top File_Type | addtotals row=f col=t labelfield=File_Type label=Upload | search File_Type=Upload count=* |fields - percent] | append [search eventtype=egress_removable Was_Removable=True File_Type=*| top limit=20 File_Type | addtotals row=f col=t labelfield=File_Type label=Removable | search File_Type=Removable count=* |fields - percent]
Give this a try
(eventtype=egress_email Email_Address=* ) OR (eventtype=egress_ntu Operation="Network Transfer Upload" sourcetype="digitalguardian:events" ) OR (eventtype=egress_removable Was_Removable=True ) File_Type=*
| stats count by eventtype File_Type | sort eventtype -count | streamstats count as rank by eventtype | where (eventtype="egress_ntu" AND rank>11) OR ( (eventtype="egress_email" OR eventtype="egress_removable") AND rank>21) | appendpipe [| stats sum(count) as count by eventtype | eval File_Type=case( eventtype="egress_ntu", "Upload", eventtype="egress_email","Email",1=1,"Removable") | eval rank=21] | sort eventtype rank | fields - rank eventtype
I missed the filters in previous attempt. Give this a try.
(eventtype=egress_email Email_Address=* ) OR (eventtype=egress_ntu Operation="Network Transfer Upload" sourcetype="digitalguardian:events" ) OR (eventtype=egress_removable Was_Removable=True ) File_Type=*
| stats count by eventtype File_Type | sort eventtype -count | streamstats count as rank by eventtype | where (eventtype="egress_ntu" AND rank>11) OR ( (eventtype="egress_email" OR eventtype="egress_removable") AND rank>21) | stats sum(count) as count by eventtype | eval File_Type=case( eventtype="egress_ntu", "Upload", eventtype="egress_email","Email",1=1,"Removable") | fields - eventtype
I believe its faster, but now I am not getting the Statistics break down of the Uplodes, Email and Removable egress Visualizations. Before I had 3 searches that had a single bar graft of each. But now I would like to make them all into one bar graft and make a pie chart as well. Any idea what would be the best plan of action?
I also need to run this search for the last 3 months