i have below result, how can I do a regex to extract the fields, first being DateTime, username, Action, Entity
2022-11-21 15:44:13,ea186520,CREATED,USERSESSIONLOG
Hi @sphiwee,
you can use the Field User Extractor to extract these fields without using regexes, cebause they are comma separated fields.
If you want to use a regex, you can use this:
| rex "^(?<DateTime>[^,]*),(?<username>[^,]*),(?<Action>[^,]*),(?<Entity>[^,]*)"
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/KMPkSa/1
It quite depends on how stable is the actual data format. If all values have no comma in them as illustrated, you can simply do
| rex "(?<DateTime>[^,]+, *(?<username>[^,]+), *(?<Action>[^,]+), *(?<Entity>[^,]+)"