I have a following JSON input.
"StartTime": {
"@item": "1",
"#text": "2016/11/21 09:35:25"
"Encryption": {
"@item": "1",
"#text": "None"
"Duration": {
"@item": "1",
"#text": "13"
"DisplayName": {
"@item": "1",
"#text": "80081"
"device_id": 1
I need to extract fields like below and ignore the rest (@item) from JSON.
device_id = 1
StartTime="2016/11/21 09:35:25"
Can it be done writing a single Regex to extract all the fields, or do I need to write separate regex for each field in TRANSFORMS.CONF ?
Any example will help.
Like @Sundaresh mentions to get them extracted automatically, but here are the ways to do this in search time (brute force) if really required
Using spath:
your query to return events
| spath output=device_id path=device_id
| spath output=startTime path=StartTime.#text
| spath output=encryption path=Encryption.#text
| spath output=duration path=Duration.#text
| spath output=displayName path=DisplayName.#text
| table device_id, startTime, encryption, duration, displayName
Using rex:
your query to return events
| rex field=_raw max_match=0 "\#text\"\:\s\"(?<jsonFields>[^\"]+)"
| rex field=_raw "device_id\"\:\s*(?<device_id>[\S]+)"
| eval startTime=mvindex(jsonFields, 0)
| eval encryption=mvindex(jsonFields, 1)
| eval duration=mvindex(jsonFields, 2)
| eval displayName=mvindex(jsonFields, 3)
| table startTime, encryption, duration, displayName, device_id
Thank you ! Is there any way to do it in index time ?
If it is valid JSON, add this to your props.conf
[ stanza]
KV_MODE = json
Dear, I have added that already.
By default its giving me columns like StartTime.@item , StartTime.#text. But i need only StartTime having value of StartTime.#text. Something like StartTime="2016/11/21 09:35:25".
You can create aliases as suggested of you can rename the fields in your search rename *.#text AS *
will rename all <>.#text to <>
If they're already parsed like that, why not just create a simple alias for them, like they explain in this answer?