I have data like below which contains time taken for service call in regular string format.
Sample Data :
Time Taken[0.122381]
Time Taken[0.122381]
Time Taken[0.122381]
How can i extract
[ ]
Thanks in advance
you can try this assuming this data is in seconds.
your query to return events
| rex "(?<pre>[^\[]+)\[(?<number>[^\]]+)\]"
| eval millis=tonumber(number)*1000
| timechart avg(millis)
Use avg(millis), max(millis) or min(millis)
depending on what you want to chart. If you just want to tabulate it use |table millis
Or even all of the above:
... | timechart max(millis), avg(millis), min(millis)
Then your visualization should have all three.
And if you'd like to rename them use AS
... | timechart max(millis) AS Max, avg(millis) AS Average, min(millis) AS Min
Happy Splunking!