Hi everyone,
I am trying to do the following in Splunk, but it's not working:
index=MRM eventtype=MRM_ERROR |
eval Description=case(
like(search, "%error1%"),"error1",
like(search, "%error2%"),"error2"
) | chart count by Description
Any ideas?
Are you comparing it with the field ? I mean is search is your field name? If not, substitute search with your field name where error error2 keywords are present.
If you are getting an error or undesired output please mention that too
index=MRM eventtype=MRM_ERROR |eval Description=case(like(<field_name>, "%error1%"),"error1",like(<field_name>, "%error2%"),"error2") | chart count by Description
Are you comparing it with the field ? I mean is search is your field name? If not, substitute search with your field name where error error2 keywords are present.
If you are getting an error or undesired output please mention that too
index=MRM eventtype=MRM_ERROR |eval Description=case(like(<field_name>, "%error1%"),"error1",like(<field_name>, "%error2%"),"error2") | chart count by Description
Hi Renjith
the "search" keyword is not a field. I actually want to search the resultset for those errors...
I am not sure how to point to the resultset. I have zero experience with splunk so please excuse the novice question.
I also tried "rawtext" that too didn't work.
index=MRM eventtype=MRM_ERROR |
eval Description=case(
like(rawtext, "%error1%"),"error1",
like(rawtext, "%error2%"),"error2"
) | chart count by Description
Alright. For raw your should use _raw ie
index=MRM eventtype=MRM_ERROR |eval Description=case(like(_raw, "%error1%"),"error1",like(_raw, "%error2%"),"error2") | chart count by Description
Ideally if the field is not available , you should extract the field using field extraction techniques in splunk
Thank you so much.
My plan is to turn the most frequent errors into fields. The above is a great starting point. Thanks for the links, just what I needed 🙂