With the following search
index=msperf sourcetype="perfmon_processor_xml"
| xpath outfield=Architecture "//COMMAND/RESULTS/CIM/INSTANCE/PROPERTY"
| mvexpand Architecture
| rex field=Architecture "^[^=\n]*=\"(?P[^\"]+)[^=\n]*=\"(?P[^\"]+)[^<\n]*<\w+>(?P[^<]+)"
| table PropertyName PropertyValue
| where PropertyName in ( "Description", "DeviceID", "Name", "NumberOfCores", "NumberOfLogicalProcessors")
| dedup PropertyValue
| sort PropertyName PropertyValue
I've got the following result:
PropertyName PropertyValue
Description Intel64 Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7
DeviceID CPU0
DeviceID CPU1
Name Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2643 0 @ 3.30GHz
NumberOfCores 6
and I would like to convert to the following format:
DeviceID Description Name NumberOfCores
CPU0 Intel64 Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2643 0 @ 3.30GHz 6
CPU1 Intel64 Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2643 0 @ 3.30GHz 6
Help please?
Have you tried transpose
Can you please try following search?
index=msperf sourcetype="perfmon_processor_xml"
| xpath outfield=Architecture "//COMMAND/RESULTS/CIM/INSTANCE/PROPERTY"
| mvexpand Architecture
| rex field=Architecture "^[^=\n]*=\"(?P[^\"]+)[^=\n]*=\"(?P[^\"]+)[^<\n]*<\w+>(?P[^<]+)"
| table PropertyName PropertyValue
| where PropertyName in ( "Description", "DeviceID", "Name", "NumberOfCores", "NumberOfLogicalProcessors")
| dedup PropertyValue
| sort PropertyName PropertyValue
| transpose header_field=PropertyName column_name=PropertyValue
| mvexpand DeviceID | fields - PropertyValue
My Sample Search:
| makeresults
| eval PropertyName = "Description,DeviceID,DeviceID,Name,NumberOfCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors", PropertyName=split(PropertyName,","),
PropertyValue = "Intel64 Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7,CPU0,CPU1,Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2643 0 @ 3.30GHz,6,12",PropertyValue=split(PropertyValue,","), temp=mvzip(PropertyName,PropertyValue)
| stats count by _time,temp
| eval PropertyName=mvindex(split(temp,","),0),PropertyValue=mvindex(split(temp,","),1)
| stats values(PropertyValue) as PropertyValue by PropertyName
| transpose header_field=PropertyName column_name=PropertyValue
| mvexpand DeviceID | fields - PropertyValue
Have you tried transpose
Can you please try following search?
index=msperf sourcetype="perfmon_processor_xml"
| xpath outfield=Architecture "//COMMAND/RESULTS/CIM/INSTANCE/PROPERTY"
| mvexpand Architecture
| rex field=Architecture "^[^=\n]*=\"(?P[^\"]+)[^=\n]*=\"(?P[^\"]+)[^<\n]*<\w+>(?P[^<]+)"
| table PropertyName PropertyValue
| where PropertyName in ( "Description", "DeviceID", "Name", "NumberOfCores", "NumberOfLogicalProcessors")
| dedup PropertyValue
| sort PropertyName PropertyValue
| transpose header_field=PropertyName column_name=PropertyValue
| mvexpand DeviceID | fields - PropertyValue
My Sample Search:
| makeresults
| eval PropertyName = "Description,DeviceID,DeviceID,Name,NumberOfCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors", PropertyName=split(PropertyName,","),
PropertyValue = "Intel64 Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7,CPU0,CPU1,Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2643 0 @ 3.30GHz,6,12",PropertyValue=split(PropertyValue,","), temp=mvzip(PropertyName,PropertyValue)
| stats count by _time,temp
| eval PropertyName=mvindex(split(temp,","),0),PropertyValue=mvindex(split(temp,","),1)
| stats values(PropertyValue) as PropertyValue by PropertyName
| transpose header_field=PropertyName column_name=PropertyValue
| mvexpand DeviceID | fields - PropertyValue