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How do I compare two tables based on a logic?
I have two search queries which results in table as follow:
| search query1
| table type1 platform1 target1
type1 | platform1 | target1 |
X | WIN | path/cpp |
X | None | path/c |
X | LINUX | path/py |
| search query2
| table type2 platform2 target2
type2 | platform2 | target2 |
Z | WIN | path/cpp |
Z | LINUX | path/cpp |
(Target are unique based on their full path)
How I can compare both tables . by making left join between both tables and comparing, such that :
-> join both tables where first query table is the lead when comparing against, left join I believe ?
-> Count as match only IF target from first query where platform = WIN , exists in second table where platform = WIN
-> Count as match only IF target from first query where platform = LINUX, exists in second table where platform = LINUX
-> Count as match only IF target from first query where platform = NONE, exists in second table for both platform = LINUX and platform = WIN else no match
Then list results in table with total matching target, total missing target, total target for type X , total target for type Z .
How I can reach this ?
Thanks 🙂
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Given how Splunk search usually work, I suspect that you do not have type1:type2, platform1:platform2, etc. from raw output. Instead, you probably have a type field that can be X or Z, a platform field that can be None, WIN, or LINUX, etc., depending on how search is done. Even if you have type1:type2, etc., you can probably make a search that turn them into a uniform set of fields. This way, you don't have to use low-performance commands like join.
When you have that, what you describe can mostly be delivered with stats commands. Here's a prototype
type IN (X, Z) ``` magical raw search ```
| stats values(type) as type by target platform
| eval match = if(mvcount(type) > 1, "yes", null())
| stats values(*) as * by target
| eval match = if(mvcount(platform) > 2, "yes", match)
| eventstats dc(target) as total_match by match
| stats dc(target) as targets_by_type values(total_match) as total_match by type
| eventstats sum(targets_by_type) as total_targets
The first line is pseudo code for that magical raw search that will return type, platform, and target. Sample output could be
type | targets_by_type | total_match | total_targets |
X | 4 | 2 | 6 |
Z | 2 | 2 | 6 |
Obviously if you really want total miss, just subtract total_match from total_targets.
The above output is derived from simulated input like the following
platform | target | type |
WIN | path/cpp | X |
None | path/c | X |
LINUX | path/py | X |
None | path/e | X |
WIN | path/c | Z |
Linux | path/c | Z |
WIN | path/cpp | Z |
LINUX | path/cpp | Z |
Here is the code used to simulate data
| makeresults
| eval _raw="type platform target
X WIN path/cpp
X None path/c
X LINUX path/py
X None path/e
Z WIN path/c
Z Linux path/c
Z WIN path/cpp
Z LINUX path/cpp"
| multikv forceheader=1
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Just substitute the `makeresults` with your actual query.
| makeresults
| eval _raw = "type1,platform1,target1
| multikv forceheader=1
| table type1 platform1 target1
| join type=inner left=L right=R where L.platform1=R.platform2 L.target1=R.target2
[| makeresults
| eval _raw = "type2,platform2,target2
| multikv forceheader=1
| table type2 platform2 target2 ]
| stats c
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This wont work, my actual values are move then 30K targets! the tables above was just to explain my logic how i want to compare both queries. each query returns around 12k targets